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1. HENDRIX by Kelsey Clayton


I’m Colby Hendrix. Football Legend. Notorious Playboy. Sarcasm Extraordinaire. I had everything you could ever want. The career some would die for. The friends that always have my back. And an unmatched level of charm. I never planned on settling down. There wasn’t ever a reason to. Or at least, that’s what I thought until she came barreling back into my life. With long brown hair and hazel eyes, she has the ability to disarm me with a single look. And the little girl attached to her side? She’s the shock I never knew I wanted.

The biggest mistake of my life. The only woman I’ve ever loved. If she were to say the words, I might just give up everything for her.


Hendrix by Kelsey Clayton was a quick and easy read despite some quite heavy topics coming into play throughout the plot (trigger warning for domestic abuse). More time than not, I find dialogues in books that cover such problems not working at all. But in this one, the author made them feel natural and not forced, which I liked.

“Look at you, being all fatherly and shit. Who would've thought?”

Colby Hendrix was a very appealing character (ever since Asher’s and Tessa’s book) that gave out vibes of someone carrying a much greater role than mere comedic effect. Despite his seemingly shallow personality of a charming playboy and a professional NFL jock, he had so much more to his character. Just the way he handled an issue of having an unexpected daughter showed how beautiful his soul was (Colby-Brenna magic did the trick). Not perfect but definitely close to it, in my personal opinion. I admired his patience and empathy, and I absolutely loved to see his kind heart and protective nature through the continuous projection of his vulnerabilities.

Colby Hendrix is worth more than a broken shell of a woman like me. He should be dating supermodels and pop-stars, and he does. Not teenage mothers with emotional baggage.

Saige was a perfect fit for Colby despite her oh so many weaknesses. She was resilient and patient, fearful yet hopeful, and a gentle soul with a quiet strength. Someone I could easily relate to. She held a unique power of amplifying everything that made Colby Hendrix special rather than ‘taming the unattainable star’. I felt for her. I rooted for her.

“You have dimples like me.”

“That’s because we’re special. They’re our secret weapon. No one can resist the dimples.”

The journey the two characters went on was powerful yet heart-breaking but definitely worth it. Sprinkled throughout the book was a wonderful sense of humour. Witty comments, sarcastic replies, and never-ending banter created a light-hearted and feel-good kind of an atmosphere.

Hendrix was not a sexual story. It was an emotional one of a man and a woman who gave it their all to reconcile the fear of past pain with the hope of future wholeness. It was about the power of forgiveness, respect, and commitment of all sorts.

I finished the book in one sitting, and recommend giving it a try!


Kelsey Clayton is a popular author of contemporary romance.

She likes to keep things in her life simple. Her ideal night is one with sweatpants, a fluffy blanket, cheese fries, and wine. She holds her friends and family close to her heart and would do just about anything to make them happy.

Kelsey lives in a small town in Delaware with her husband, two kids, and a dog.

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