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Mafia Royals

Meet the next bloody generation of the Eagle Elite.

0.5. ROYAL BULLY by Rachel Van Dyken


Something dark this way comes. He’s gorgeous, mean, and mine. He catches me dreaming about him, and then just like my dream, he decides to make me his. I should have said no when he asked me to swear fealty to him. The knife clued me in first. The blood second. And third, it was the blessing of the most famous mafia bosses in the known world as they sat around the dinner table and told me that I had no choice but to join. Because they knew my secrets. And running meant I was nothing more than target practice. I said yes, because of my bully. And he told me he’d keep me safe. But who keeps me safe from him?

1. RUTHLESS PRINCESS by Rachel Van Dyken


The enemy of my enemy is my friend… I never thought my father would ask this of me, to become the second generation at Eagle Elite University, to rule with an iron fist, and to take care of anyone who gets in our way. But ever since the incident. Ever since Him. There’s been a war in our little clique. After all, a house divided cannot stand. He’s the problem, not me. He used to kiss me like I was his oxygen. Now he looks at me like I’m his poison. But we both drank it, again and again, never believing there would be a day when our love would start a war. And our friendship would shatter into a million pieces. Then again, the worst thing you could do in the mafia is hang on to hope that your life will be normal. The second worse thing? Fall in love with your best friend. Enemy. And heir to the Nicolasi throne.


2. SCANDALOUS PRINCE by Rachel Van Dyken


I was born in secrecy for a purpose nobody will tell me, only that I’m mafia royalty and should be protected. I promised to take the secret to my grave until I realized the very secret that could save her would damn her in the process. She didn’t know it was me. She didn’t know that I had no choice and would do it again and again to save her. I may as well as have given her the mark on her finger. The one that shows where her loyalty must lie. Because we don’t sin in silence. And eventually, you have to pay up what you owe. My need to protect her turned into a lie to save her. And when she found out—I turned in to the very monster I was trying to protect her from.

Watching Violet Abandonato walk out of my life was like a knife to the chest, a wound that refused to heal. The bosses sent me to save her, thinking our friendship would bring her back. But what they don’t know is that I was the one that destroyed her innocence.

We both carry scars. But if all I can have is her hate for as long as I breathe. I’ll take it. Because at the end of the day, I should burn in Hell for ever thinking Chase Abandonato’s perfect angel would pick me—over her perfect life.

“I broke you,” I confessed.

“The worst part… is that you liked it,” she snapped right back.

She wasn’t wrong.

Welcome to the second generation of the mafia, may the best man or woman, be left standing. May God bless our tainted souls.

3. DESTRUCTIVE KING by Rachel Van Dyken


“I’m sorry for your loss.” I would rather be tortured for eternity than hear those damn words from one more person, as if Claire, my dead fiancé, was a cell phone or car keys. How about, I’m sorry your life is over. I’m sorry you want to die too. I’m sorry you see her in your dreams and wake up only to relive the nightmare.

I’m supposed to be the strongest of them all. Ash Abandonato, ruler, assassin, made man, brother, friend—instead, I hurt everyone I touch in hopes that they’ll feel even a sliver of the pain that bears down on my shoulders. I didn’t lose. It was taken from me. And it’s all her fault, Annie Smith.

I daydream about her death. And then I close my eyes, and I see her soft smile. I feel her touch, her kiss—it was a mistake what we did that night, but I can’t take it back, and now she’s under my father’s protection—my protection.

My worst enemy. The woman I’m the most attracted to. I can’t decide if I want to strangle her or kiss her, and now that she’s stuck in my life, my only goal is to make her feel the same loss I do and destroy her in the process. I’ll trick her with my touch. Seduce her with my kiss. And in the end, when my enemy is at her most vulnerable—I’ll bring down an entire Empire and continue my reign as King.

Bow down, I’ll say as I bring the Five Families to their knees. Blood in.
Never out. Damned. 

4. FALLEN ROYAL by Rachel Van Dyken


I grew up knowing it would happen one day.  Believing that I would fall into my father’s footsteps and become a monster of my own making. So I fought it. I lived. I loved. I teased. And then one day… I destroyed. And realized I loved the pain. Obsessed over the feeling. So I cut again and again and again.

She saw my rage, my madness, and tried to stop me from destroying myself, and I hated her for it, pushing her away past the point of no return. Izzy Abandonato was supposed to be mine. But there are some things people can never come back from. I hurt her, she hurt me, and now I’m living a lie. Telling the ones I love that I’m on one side when for years I’ve been forced to play both. I’m not the hero. I’m the villain. And I may single-handedly bring down the Cosa Nostra—by default. I, Maksim Sinacore, will have my vengeance. I will win her back. Even if it means I have to kill everyone in my path.

The pain masks the betrayal. I never realized that one day—I’d be the very rat that I hated. That I was sent to kill. But once you’re deep in a lie—you’ll do anything to hide the truth. She fell for the bad one. She fell for the sinner. So why does that make me smile?

5. BROKEN CROWN by Rachel Van Dyken


When you see something, you should know but don’t remember or recognize. I felt this my entire life when I looked in the mirror. A boy growing into a man who’s supposed to fill the shoes of his father, follow in his footsteps without question. And lead the Five Families.

It’s not the pressure that gets me. It’s the fact that I’m not him. And I don’t have someone by my side to help me lead. So when a powerful mafia family from Italy gives us no choice but to join families by way of an arranged marriage… I say yes.

But that’s not where my story begins. Because I saw her. I fell for her. Long before they ever made the arrangement. She loves someone else. I love her. So I go along with it in order to keep her by my side, knowing she’s seeing him. Touching him. Loving him. Tolerating me.

Our love story is complicated. I give her everything in hopes that one day she’ll give me a smile, a hug, something… Soon I’ll be the most powerful man in the Cosa Nostra. I have everything but her until the tide shifts, and I have to rescue her from the very family who promised her everything.

I used to be afraid of my namesake. Of my future. But now? Now, I’m giddy as hell to rain destruction on the families who oppose my rule. Who oppose what we represent. I’ll destroy what I love most before I let them destroy her. My crown was broken, singed, and torn the minute I was told she was promised to someone else before me, and I’ll die before letting him have her. You want broken? Come at me. I dare you.


Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today best-selling author of regency and contemporary romances.

When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her husband and adorable son. She loves to hear from readers!

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