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North Woods University

The universe filled with love, revenge, and jerks that are more than just a bully.


1. THE BET by J.L. Beck


‘He was my best friend…’ I say more to myself than her.

‘Yeah, so was I but you seem to have forgotten that part of your life.’

The bet was simple. You draw a name from the hat. That’s the girl you have to seduce. The girl you have to make fall head over heels in love with you. It wasn’t hard for me to do, in fact, it was something I did all the time. I was known for breaking hearts. Sex was just that, sex. And it didn’t take me very long to get a woman on her back.

And then I drew her name: Jules Peterson. My former best friend. My first kiss. My first love. She shattered my heart into a million pieces three years ago. She left me right when I needed her most. And as fate who have it, she had entered my life once again, at almost the perfect time. She was a transfer, fresh meat, and she had just put a target on her back. It was my turn to make her pay. It was my turn to break her heart.

Holding onto that hate, that anger, that f*cking heartbreak. It does something to you. It breaks you, and it broke me, it tainted me, just like I would do to Jules. She used to be my everything, but now she was nothing but the bet.

2. THE DARE by J.L. Beck


​Vance Preston is my worst nightmare. He’s also my bully, my tormentor, and my new stepbrother. He used to be my best friend, my protector, but all of that changed one fateful night. I made a choice, and I thought I did the right thing, but I was wrong, so wrong.

And as of yesterday, that same boy, who is now very much a man became my new stepbrother, but that’s the least of my worries. No, my biggest worry now is that I’m trapped in a house with a man that wants revenge so badly it consumes him. He promises to break me, to make my life hell... but what he doesn’t realize is, you can’t break something that’s already broken.

3. THE SECRET by J.L. Beck


He’s the popular jock everyone loves. Funny, gorgeous, with a flock of girls to choose from. While I’m the girl no one notices. Bullied. Antisocial. I have no friends and I like it that way. Until he walks into my life.

We shouldn’t be friends. We definitely shouldn’t be roommates. That doesn’t stop him though. When friendship blooms into something more I’m not sure if I should hold on or let go. I’m hiding things, secrets so dark, and deep... If he ever discovers them I’m certain he won’t want me anymore.

As I fall harder and harder for him I start to wonder if maybe I judged him too soon. The popular jock and the girl that none notices, this can’t possibly end with a happily ever after it, can it?

4. THE VOW by J.L. Beck


‘We’re a match made in heaven but forbidden as sin.’

After tragedy struck, I vowed never to fall in love again. For the last ten years, I kept that promise, never staying with a woman longer than it took to screw them. Then she walked in…

Back then she was nothing but a little girl, but now she’s all grown up, with curves, and a smile that reminds me of everything I’ve spent the last ten years trying to forget. My attraction to her is instant, and wrong, on so many levels. I’ll do anything I can, even make her hate me if I have too, to stop it.

She’s here to study, and I’m the newly appointed Dean. I shouldn’t be tempted by a student, especially one who’s ten years younger than me. And I definitely shouldn’t be developing feelings for her. But I am… Because as badly as I don’t want to admit it, Lily might just be the one person to make me fall in love again. That is if I can let go of the hold her dead sister’s memory has on my heart first.

5. THE PROMISE by J.L. Beck


Giving my virginity to a stranger was my first mistake. Lying about my age, my second. Never expecting to see Lex again, my third.

He promised me one night and I took it, never expecting anything in return. Then a few months later, I see something I shouldn’t have and fate brings us back together again. I didn’t mean to see it and I wasn’t snooping. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that doesn’t matter to them. I’m a liability. Now Lex is everywhere I am. Following me, watching me, and making sure I don’t tell anyone what I saw that night.

He’s dominating, possessive, and downright controlling sometimes. He warns me of how dangerous this could be for both of us. He tells me that he doesn’t want to hurt me, but he has no idea what seeing him again is doing to me. Not when I have secrets of my own, secrets Lex isn’t ready to hear.

When all the lies are told and secrets come out, will the promises that we made in the dark be kept in the light?

6. THE JOCK by J.L. Beck


All it took was one frat party for me to notice her. Blair Jensen. Gorgeous. Nerd. With a sharp tongue, and give-no-shits attitude. The moment she sneered jock at me I was captivated. Then she poured a beer over my head and walked away like I was nothing. Nobody turned down Cage Wilder and I knew then that I had to have her, no matter the consequences.

She had bruised my ego and made me look horrible in front of all my football buddies turning me into the laughing stock of the team, so I made a bet with them. They claimed there wasn’t anyone that could bed the icy book nerd but I knew otherwise.

Forcing my way into her life was easy, but shutting off my feelings after we spend many late nights studying together wasn’t and it didn’t take long for me to discover there was so much more to Blair than what everyone’s seen. Sweet, funny as hell, and a believer of happily ever afters I start to fall for her. She sees me for more than a football god, and she doesn’t take any of my shit, but the bet I made still hovers over my head, the money burning in my pocket and I know that if I want more with her I’ll have to tell her the truth... before someone else does. Question is, will she still want me when she finds out what I did?


J.L. Beck is a USA Today best-selling author of contemporary romance.

She loves true alphas, as well as sassy heroines that know or may not know what they want. She is best known for delivering HEAs but has ended things on a cliffhanger a time or two.

When she’s not typing away at her next book you can find her being a mom to her two adorable kiddos and wife to her high school sweetheart.

She’s obsessed with Starbucks, social media, and is definitely more of a dog person than a cat one.

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