All of Me

An emotional, angsty, new adult romance that will rip your heart apart before mending it again.

1. SAY I’M THE ONE by Siobhan Davis


I’m head over heels in love with my best friend. Although, I can’t pinpoint exactly when Reeve Lancaster became my entire world. Was it when we were little kids, practically brought up together, after Reeve’s mom died during childbirth and his dad subsequently fell apart? Or when I doodled his name in my school journal at age ten? Maybe it was when we became boyfriend and girlfriend at fourteen or when we shed our virginity at sixteen, pledging our forever?

I was there as his star ascended—like I’d always known it would—and there wasn’t a prouder person on the planet. As the only child of Hollywood’s golden couple, I’ve lived my life in the spotlight enough to know it wasn’t what I wanted for my future. But I sacrificed my own desires, because Reeve’s happiness meant everything to me. Until he crushed my heart into itty-bitty pieces, forcing me to fly halfway around the world just to escape the gut-wrenching pain.

The opportunity to study at Trinity College Dublin came at the perfect moment, and I jumped at the chance without hesitation. If I’d known fate was meddling in my life, perhaps I would have chosen differently, but my future was cemented the instant I laid eyes on him.

Dillon O’Donoghue was Reeve’s polar opposite in every way, and perhaps, that’s why I felt drawn to him. He was the dark to my light. The thorn in my side, irritating me with his cold disdain, wild recklessness, and a burning rage hidden deep inside him that spoke to a silent part within me. Yet Dillon showed me what it was like to truly live, opening my eyes to endless possibilities.

What happened next was inevitable, and I only have myself to blame. He warned me, and I knew my reprieve was temporary, because there is only so far I can run. Especially when fate hasn’t finished messing with me yet.

2. LET ME LOVE YOU by Siobhan Davis


My heart and soul forever belong to two men.

It’s an irrefutable truth that won’t ever change.

Reeve is the air I breathe.

Dillon is the fire that consumes me.

How am I expected to live without a part of my heart?

3. HOLD ME CLOSE by Siobhan Davis


Sons pay for the sins of their fathers…

Bodhi and Easton Lancaster O’Donoghue have grown up sheltered from the truth. Until it’s time for their parents to reveal what happened and how it shaped the events that came later.

Bodhi is quiet. An intelligent, introspective boy who hides his pain deep inside. Shattered by the harsh reality of the past, he spirals into a dark place where no one can reach him.

Easton loves his brother fiercely and has always been there for him. Despite his own grief and confusion, he tries his best to support Bodhi—even if he seems determined to push everyone away.

Vivien and Dillon knew this moment would come. Yet nothing prepared them for the massive fall-out. As Bodhi retreats, and Easton struggles, they fight hard to keep their family together.

Before history repeats itself and they suffer more devastating loss.

4. REEVE by Siobhan Davis


Vivien Grace Mills has been the center of my universe since the second she entered this world. Every memory I hold precious includes her. She’s my biggest champion and the one person keeping me sane during some of the most testing times of my life. Vivien shows me what it means to love and be loved. I know she’s the one from an early age. When I land my dream role, plans for our future are finally coming true. Until everything falls apart, leaving a complicated trail of broken, scarred hearts and long-lasting consequences.

I messed up: I failed her. I failed me. I won’t rest until the only woman I love is back in my arms. Nothing or no one will stop me from reclaiming her heart. Not my manipulative costar, my greedy agent, or the backstabbing studio publicist. And especially not him.

My determination and patience are successful, and Vivien is back where she belongs. I finally have the family I have craved my entire life. But I sacrificed so much for my poor decisions, and I’m not finished paying the price.

5. DILLON by Siobhan Davis


Growing up in Ireland, I always felt like something was missing. I had an idyllic childhood, yet I was never happy. After Mum explained about the adoption, I constantly questioned my existence. Despite being surrounded by love, I struggle to accept it or reciprocate.

When my bio dad shows up, trying to buy my silence, a switch flips inside me, and I let my demons run free. Nothing matters except revenge. Then she lands in my lap—the love of my twin’s life—and it feels like fate. Except nothing goes according to plan. I was supposed to steal her heart—she wasn’t supposed to steal mine.

After she runs back to him, I’m left heartbroken and shattered. The hits just keep on coming, and my pain turns to anger. Revenge takes center stage again, and the perfect opportunity presents itself when Simon dies.

Meeting my twin sets a devastating chain reaction in motion, and I’m drowning under the weight of my sins.

Vivien is struggling to cope in the aftermath of her crushing loss. Repairing the damage is my number one goal, because I won’t leave her to handle this alone. She can hurl hateful words at me and do her best to push me away. But I am going nowhere.

Protecting my family is my sole priority. Vivien and Easton need me, and this time, I won’t let them down.


Siobhan Davis is a USA Today best-selling author of emotionally intense young adult and new adult romance with complex characters and tons of unexpected plot twists and turns.

Siobhan’s family will tell you she’s a little bit obsessive when it comes to reading and writing, and they aren’t wrong. She can rarely be found without her trusty Kindle, a paperback book, or her laptop somewhere close at hand.

Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in human resource management.

She resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.

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