making stories come true ✨ for indie authors all over the world 🫧 let’s work together 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾

making stories come true ✨ for indie authors all over the world 🫧 let’s work together 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾

Publishing Hand

Loves, hello and welcome to my overall creative space!

I’m a book blogger, published writer, and freelance fiction editor offering attentive, affordable book-related services to authors from all backgrounds, but mostly those who strive to be successful in self-publishing.

No matter your reason for writing or your level of experience, I want to assist you in the process of creating stories and sharing them with the rest of the world.

The services listed below are for you if you’re looking for straightforward and thoughtful feedback on all aspects of your self-publishing journey—from book planning to market research to publishing.

List of Services

Book an Appointment

Alternatively, you can email me directly at:


You can familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions HERE.