Black Mountain Academy

Check out the collaborative series about a bunch of privileged students who are trapped in the debauchery, the scandals, the drama, and the forbidden romances.

1. DEVIANT by Dani René


Black Mountain Academy was my only choice. It was meant to be freedom. But with those watchful eyes, it’s anything but the fresh start I crave.

When you’re good, nobody ever remembers. But when you’re bad, they can’t stop reminding you. I was labeled a rebel, a party girl, a nuisance, even a… never mind, you don’t need to know that. That all changed when he gave me a label. I submitted to the nickname. I am a Deviant. I revel in the dark, alongside him. Forbidden. Against the rules. A bad idea. We can’t stop ourselves from breaking the moral compass.

But the stranger is watching me. Every move, every breath, and every dream. He’s there, waiting, biding his time. In the end, he will get me.

When secrets are spilled… Who will be the deviant then?

2. SHE’S MINE by Jenika Snow


Black Mountain Academy’s bad boy. That’s who Reese Trenton was, or at least how people perceived him. He came from the ‘wrong side of the tracks’ with a perpetual scowl on his face, a body like a god, and the arrogance to match. He was a ‘rough around the edges’ kind of delinquent, but smart enough he’d gotten a full ride to BMA. And he piqued Keira’s interest in the worst—or maybe best—kind of way. He had her wanting to throw that good girl persona she carried right out the window. He had her wanting to be just as rebellious as he was.

He knew too much about life, got drunk, and started far too many fights. And Keira wanted him like she’d never wanted anyone before. They say opposites attract, and it seemed that was the pulling force that brought Reese and Keira together. Heated touches. Passionate kisses. Filthy, secret intimacy. They shared it all together and grew addicted for more. He thought he was broken, too battered for a girl like her. Keira wanted to show Reese that despite the cracks he wore, the scars he sported, they were meant to be together.

But not everyone thought Reese and Keira should be together, and as the drama and chaos erupted, as people tried to rip them apart, they realized their loyalty and love for each other had never been put to the test more than it had now.

3. NOT MY HERO by Michelle Heard


He walked into school on his first day and didn’t care what the other students thought of him. Dark. Broody. Dangerous. He didn’t care where I cared too much. Then the rumors started. He failed his senior year at his previous school. His brother committed suicide. It’s his fault. And for one blessed week, I wasn’t the topic of discussion.

You see, I’m the daughter of a socialite who has no soul. I’m the one paying for her sins. They never let me forget where I come from, and she never stops telling me what a failure I am.

But then Colton Lawson looks at me, and unlike the other students, his dark gaze seems to see through the dark lies spun around me. He starts appearing out of nowhere, fighting my battles for me only to stalk away, making me feel like I’m nothing but a nuisance.

My name is Brie Weinstock, and this is my story of how a boy walked into my hell and fought for me, even though I never expected him to. The question is, am I strong enough to repay the favor?

4. PRETTY WHEN SHE CRIES by A. Zavarelli


Your first kiss is supposed to be sweet. Ours was baptized in fire.

I was the new girl trying to find her place. Landon was the brooding neighbor I tutored over the summer. I didn’t know he was a legend at Black Mountain Academy. I didn’t know they worshipped him like a religion. But I fell for him before I knew those things. To me, he was just the tortured soul who drew me in like a magnet. And then he did something so unspeakable, so unforgivable, it shattered me.

I ran away then because I was weak, but I’ve shed my tears. He stole my heart and my dignity, and I’m here to take it back. The only problem is… he’s not giving it up without a fight.

5. ROWDY BOY by Clarissa Wild


Rude boys play best.

I’ve always known how to make girls fall to their knees. When I open my mouth and play my music, they line up to scream my name. Cole Travis, rock star and high school legend. Fans beg me for a dirty smile and a filthy kiss. And I give them everything they could ever want. All these years, I thought it was enough. Until her.

Monica Romero, the new girl whose wistful eyes hide a closed-off heart. A heart I know belongs to me but one I can never have. She doesn’t know me. My band. My reputation. Not even my name. But she will remember me… Because if I can’t have her… No one will.



I’ve made it my life’s mission to make the school librarian squirm. This school is mine—literally, my family built Black Mountain Academy generations ago—and I own everything in it. And I, Nathaniel Black IV, won’t stop until that includes her.

She just started this year, my senior year, her first job right out of college. She calls it her dream job, but I’ve had the sick pleasure of making my study period with her every day more a nightmare. I’m fixated on her, obsessed with her, and all I want is to feel the skittish little mouse beneath me. I can’t get her out of my head, not even while partying at my friend’s house, every girl vying for my attention. But they don’t stand a chance, not when my focus is on Ms. Evelyn Richards. She makes me feel… things I don’t understand. Possessive yet… protective. I can f— with her, but no one else can.

Compulsion strikes, the other half of my disorder, and that night I set out to find where she lives. And what I discover changes both our lives. The perfect information for blackmail. The perfect secret to hold over her head to get what I want. Her.

7. RUTHLESS by Aria Cole and Mila Crawford


Rumors spread like wildfire between the walls of Black Mountain Academy. It’s a world where secrets are draped in trust funds and lies cloaked in the family legacy.

The boys that came out of the academy were notoriously bad news. And boarding school dropout Kyler Sinclair was the worst, a good-for-nothing bully with a broken moral compass. He was beautiful, he was dark, he was ruthless.

Madison Evans prided herself on her immaculate school record. A dedicated bookworm with a love for fiction over reality, she’d always been a do-gooder rather than a good-time girl.

Transferring to Black Mountain from the wrong side of the tracks was torture when you’re a born loner. But then bad boy Kyler entered her quiet life. He’s wrapped in ink and covered in chaos, and she never expected to become the center of his attention... or the target of his scorn. His vicious insults left fresh wounds—but neither expected the past to catch up with them and change their lives forever.

8. HATE ME by A. Jade


I’m the whispers in the dark you can’t ignore. The bully you can’t run away from. I’m the tormentor who makes your life a living hell. The villain you love to hate. I’m the vicious stepbrother sleeping in the next room. The one who knows all your secrets. And I’ll stop at nothing to make you pay.

9. THE PRETENDER by Cora Brent



They all know me as Ben Beltran, a poor kid from a working class town who lucked into a baseball scholarship at elite Black Mountain Academy. That’s mostly a lie. There’s a lot at stake and I have no patience for some uptight snot who sticks her nose in where it doesn’t belong.

Camden Galway is another scholarship case from my crappy neighborhood and she’s just begging to be taught a lesson. She’ll find out the hard way that she has no idea what she’s dealing with.


I need to succeed for my family’s sake as much as my own. And I refuse to be interrupted by some brooding jock with a wicked reputation. Sure, Ben Beltran can turn heads by rocking that bad boy heartbreaker vibe. But some things about him don’t add up. He assumes the taste of his lips and the feel of his muscles can distract me from digging for the truth. I’m going to prove him wrong. No matter how much he hates me for it...

10. CHARITY by Rochelle Paige


Corby King’s skill on the ice was the only reason he ended up switching schools his senior year. He was being scouted by pro hockey teams, and his new foster dad thought Corby was the key to the Cougars winning a state championship.

Cutting through red tape was easy when you had money to burn, but Corby didn’t complain. Playing for his rival team was a small price to pay for a better chance at a full-ride to college. What Corby didn’t expect was to meet someone he’d grow to love as much as hockey. Emmeline Cushing grew up in a different world than him, but Corby was determined to claim the shy girl who stole his heart.

Untamed king

11. UNTAMED KING by Nina Levine


More information is to be announced soon.

Black Mountain Academy

12. REBEL HEART by Isabella Starling


More information is to be announced soon.

13. THE OTHER GIRL by Trisha Wolfe


I am a trope. A tired cliché. I’m the psycho stalker girl that never gets the boy. At least, that was the rumor at my former high school. Obsessive Love Disorder was the label slapped on me after an ‘incident’ disrupts my world, but now I have a chance at a new start as the school psychologist at Black Mountain Academy. Here, no one knows my past. Here, a boy with a devilish smile and bad, bad inclinations puts his sights on me. He won’t stop until he gets what he wants.

Carter Hensley is the newest addition to BMA and has a thick file marked violent tendencies. He’s dangerous, especially to a girl like me—one who falls hard and fast, and who doesn’t let anyone become an obstacle. Friends, family, faculty... the fact that he’s a student.

Nothing will stand in our way of being together. Not even the truth.

Hollywoods Cinderella



Ellenora Ashe just landed the job of her dreams. Teaching Drama at Black Mountain Academy. There’s a big production of Cinderella coming up, and she'll be directing the troupe. Things couldn’t be more awesome. Cue the sound of fingernails clawing down a chalkboard.

Who in Satan’s Kingdom does this Hollywood hotshot think he is? He might be a straight-up 10 with an accent hot enough to melt the panties right off her, but that doesn’t make him any less obnoxious. Barging in on her production and assuming he’s now in charge? He—cannot—be—serious. Not to mention inserting himself *snicker* into every aspect of Elle’s business in and out of her classroom.

One thing has become crystal clear. Dealing with ‘Hollywood’ on a daily basis is pretty much going to make her new job suck! *snickers again*

Jasper Cavendish really needs to get out of Hollywood for a while. The tabloid drama plaguing his every move just won’t let up so it’s time to take a break. What better place to go off the grid than up at Black Mountain? He can be there for his grandmother as she recovers from surgery while also helping the new drama teacher with the school’s production of Cinderella. It’s a win-win for mostly him everyone. That’s right... his enchanting ‘Cinderella’ might be pure drama, but she desperately needs his help. And Jasper? Oh, he’s only too happy to give it to Miss Ashe. All night long. *can’t stop snickering*


15. POPULAR by LP Lovell and Stevie J. Cole


We’re taught to fear the shadows. They skew reality. They hide the light.

And I was a shadow. A dark, dark shadow that wanted Genevieve Montgomery to fear me. There was a fake air of confidence that swirled around her like a million-dollar cyclone, and there were skeletons in her closet stuffed with Gucci and Prada that ensured she’d be difficult.

I was the shepherd and she was my sacrificial lamb, and I intended to plant a seed of darkness in her that would grow until not a single shred of light was left.

16. MR. D by Alta Hensley


Good girls do not go to the principal’s office. Good girls do not lust for the principal. Good girls do not obsess over the principal. I am clearly not a good girl.

I can’t help myself. I need him. Mr. D. I need his guidance, his protection, his authority, and above all… I need his touch. I know it’s wrong and even forbidden. But I have one consuming fantasy… Mr. D.

The devil next door

17. THE DEVIL NEXT DOOR by Jade West


Tyler Rain is a jerk. Nothing but an arrogant prick who has been pushing me around since the moment I first walked into Black Mountain Academy.
He hates me.
He hates the way I walk. He hates the way I talk. He hates the way I’m such a nerdy, introverted loner sitting in the corner of class.
But there’s more.
He hates the way I can’t help but look at him with lust in my eyes whenever he’s giving me the middle finger.
He hates the way I want him, even though I can’t stand the sight of him.
And maybe… just maybe… he hates the way he wants me back…

I’m Lewis Headley.
The new boy at Black Mountain Academy.
Tyler Rain’s next door neighbor… and his secret fantasy.



We had a plan, my husband and I. Settle down in Black Mountain. Raise two boys. Send them to Black Mountain Academy, the same school their father went to, the elite school that defined futures. We were going to give them the best possible life. Until our beautiful life became a living nightmare with one phone call. One funeral. One year of hell.

I was a bad widow, a bad mother for one year. One year of suffering, of being the talk of the Black Mountain Academy gossip circle. But I was going to get myself together. Be picture perfect like I once was, even if I was dead inside. Then he moved in next door. Entered my nightmare. Brought me back to life. Ruined everything.

19. MR. HEARTBREAKER by Jordan Marie


Everybody envies Big Mike Huntington. He prowls the halls of Black Mountain Academy like he owns them. But since he’s from one of the wealthiest families in Black Mountain, he can. He’s famous—or infamous, and not for his baseball skills like his brother—currently the Major League’s media darling. On campus, Big Mike is notorious for the giant bat he swings—the one between his legs, not on the field.
And every girl swears Big Mike definitely lives up to the hype. Mike owns it, embracing his reputation. Until Violet Raines.

New girl in school, pure as driven snow, and she hates his guts from moment one. Mike wants Miss Purity under him, begging for mercy he’ll never give.

When Violet refuses to play ball? It’s time for Big Mike to get creative and steal a home run. He zeros in on the new girl. Now, there’s nowhere for her to hide. No sassy words to save her. No denying her hot, longing glances. Big Mike gets what he wants. And Violet Raines? She’s already his.

20. TAKEN AT MIDNIGHT by Amelia Wilde


Once upon a time, Cinderella left school for a cast party. She never made it.

I’m almost to the house when a strong hand closes over my mouth and pulls me into the shadows. In the space of an instant, the night has gone from fairy-tale success to my darkest nightmare. He says he’ll keep me for two days. I know he’s lying. And worst of all, I might not want to leave.

Black Mountain Academy

21. A by Callie Hart


More information is to be announced soon.

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