Boys of Bellerose

A mafia/rockstar reverse harem romance series with dark elements and gripping cliffhangers throughout.

1. POISON ROSES by Tate James


You know that saying, things can’t possibly get worse? They always can.

I thought I’d hit rock bottom when I turned sixteen. The day I broke my first love’s heart, ending things before I could ruin his career as a rock star. But damn, was I wrong.

Things got progressively worse from that moment on, until now. Eight years later, when I find myself homeless, jobless, covered in blood, and running from a ghost of my past.

Angelo Ricci—the second boy I ever loved—knows I saw him shoot a man. He’s coming for me, has men out all over the city looking for me, and if they find me I’m as good as dead.

But I’m not giving up so easily. I’ll do whatever it takes to escape the Ricci family’s wrath, even if it means seeking sanctuary with the most unlikely, and unwilling of allies.

Bellerose is the hottest rock band in the world right now—in popularity and looks—and it’s just my luck that I stumble into their laps while running for my life. It’s not the best plan to hide out on their tour, but it’s the best I’ve got.

Except, the only person that Bellerose’s frontman hates more than Angelo Ricci… might be me. Too damn bad. Jace owes me. After all, I’m Billie Bellerose.

2. DIRTY TRUTHS by Tate James


You know that saying, things can’t possibly get worse? They always can.

I thought I’d reached a whole new low the day I ran from Bellerose. The day I was snatched by mafia goons, beaten half to death, and left wishing they’d finish the job. But then an Angel saved me.

His kind of salvation wasn’t the freedom I’d been hoping for, though. Two months later I’m his prisoner in the gilded cage of his home. His pregnant mistress.

Angelo Ricci—my Angel—holds my life in his hands. He’s both protecting me, and condemning me, and if his father ever discovers our secret deal then death will be a blessing.

I’m tired, and scared, and don’t know who I can trust. All I know is that I miss the boys of Bellerose. Grayson and Rhett still hold parts of my heart, even if I could happily kick Jace in the nu… face. And Flo? She’s dead to me. Literally. Like, dead dead. Wormfood.

Fate takes a turn in my favor when Bellerose gets a new owner, and an unexpected opportunity to reconnect with the band is forced on me. Getting locked in a secluded farmhouse with the guys who think I left them for my abusive ex sounds like a recipe for bloodshed, but I don’t get a choice in the matter.

Except, this time I’m not going alone. Angelo is tagging along, and seems determined to cause drama. Somehow we all need to make it out alive, but that should be easy enough, right? After all, I’m Billie Bellerose.



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More information is to be announced soon.


Tate James is a USA Today best-selling author of romance novels.

She is a lover of books, red wine, and coffee. Most definitely not a morning person. She is a bit too sarcastic and swears too much for polite society and definitely tells too many dirty jokes.

Tate was born and raised in the Land of the Long White Cloud in New Zealand but now lives in Australia with her husband, babies, and a furbaby.

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