Brutal Birthright

Welcome to a new world of mafia wars, arranged marriages, and kidnapping.

1. BRUTAL PRINCE by Sophie Lark


He’s no Prince Charming… Callum Griffin is the heir to the Irish Mafia. He’s ruthless, arrogant, and he wants to kill me.

We got off on the wrong foot when I set a (very small) fire in his house. Our families believe a marriage pact is the only thing that will prevent all-out warfare. I think I might need to murder him while he sleeps.

This would all be a lot easier if Callum wasn’t so damned good-looking. But I’ve got a lockbox around my heart. Because even if I’m forced to marry him… I could never love a brutal prince.

2. STOLEN HEIR by Sophie Lark


They murdered my father, so I stole their daughter…

She’s my captive, my little ballerina who dances only for me. Nessa is sweet and innocent. She doesn’t deserve any of this. But that’s how our world works—the wolves eat the lambs, no matter how gentle they may be.

I’ll use her to get my revenge. Unless I give in to my hunger first...

3. SAVAGE LOVER by Sophie Lark


There’s a reason I never go to parties…

I saw him in a cloud of smoke, like sin made flesh. Even bruised and battered, I’d never seen anything more beautiful...

Unless I hate myself, I should stay far away from Nero. He’s a heartbreaker. A mess-maker. A walking disaster.

Here’s the problem: I’m in deep trouble with a dirty cop. The only person who can save me is Nero. We’re not friends. If he saw me drowning, he’d throw me an anchor. But he’s the only chance I’ve got. He’s no hero, he’s a savage lover.

4. BLOODY HEART by Sophie Lark


She cut my heart open…⁠

I only meant to steal a car. I didn’t know I was stealing a girl, too. Until the most gorgeous face I’d ever seen popped up in the rear-view mirror.⁠ I fell hard, fast, and forever…⁠ But she tore out my heart — left me alone and bleeding.⁠

How can I forget her, when I have to see that damned perfect face on billboards and magazines?⁠ It’s torture.⁠

9 long years. I thought I moved on.⁠ Then I saw her in the flesh…⁠ And my heart started bleeding all over again…

5. BROKEN VOW by Sophie Lark


I’ll protect her… Whether she likes it or not.

Riona Griffin is gorgeous, intelligent, and iron-willed. My perfect woman, except she hates my guts. She thinks she doesn’t need anybody. But she needs me. She’s being hunted by an assassin who never misses his mark. I’m going to stay by her side, day and night, keeping her safe. Riona thinks that’s a fate worse than death but I know she’ll learn to love me.

If this hitman wants to kill her, he’ll have to go through me first.

6. HEAVY CROWN by Sophie Lark


A temptation I couldn’t resist... I saw her being stuffed in a trunk: Yelena Yenina, only daughter of the most vicious Bratva boss in Chicago.

The Bratva hate my family. They burned my uncle alive. I should have left Yelena to her fate... But she fought like a Valkyrie. Gorgeous, ferocious, and unbreakable. I saved her so I could make her mine.

She says she’ll never submit to a man. I guess we’ll see… I’ll push her to the limit. And far beyond.


Sophie Lark is an Amazon best-selling author of contemporary romance.

She has a slight obsession with hiking, bodybuilding, and live comedy shows. Her perfect day would be taking the kids to Harry Potter World, going dancing with Mr. Lark, then relaxing with a good book and a monster bag of salt and vinegar chips.

Sophie lives with her husband, two boys, and baby girl in the Rocky Mountain West.

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