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Deliver Us From Evil

Monsters are real. Have you met yours?

1. THY KINGDOM COME by Monica James


Monsters are real.

When I was five years old, I watched my mother take her last breath—a breath three monsters stole from her. I never chose this life. My father says it’s my birthright, but all I see is a curse. It’s because of the Kelly name my mum was slain by the Doyles—our enemies in Dublin, the fellas livin’ on borrowed time.

All of Belfast fears my family, especially me. I’m Puck Kelly, otherwise known as Punky; the lad ye don’t want to double-cross. I don’t do feelings or emotions. I never have… until she walks into my world.

Babydoll is a liar and a thief, but I can’t stay away. We both thrive in the darkness because that’s where our demons can play. No word af a lie, sixteen years later, those monsters still haunt my dreams. But every monster is scared of somethin’… and that somethin’ is me. No more hiding in the shadows because I’m huntin’ youse.

Run, wee monsters, run.

2. INTO TEMPTATION by Monica James


Monsters are real… and that monster is my father.

Ten years ago, I surrendered. I thought I was doing the right thing. But lies and greed have once again destroyed my life, leaving me to deal with the aftermath. This life has always been a curse, but the world as I know it has changed. Belfast isn’t what it used to be.

Alliances are broken. Kingdoms have fallen. But those who remain loyal see me as their rightful king. With secrets unraveled, my need for vengeance grows stronger every day. However, ten years is a long time. People have changed. I have changed. But the one thing that remains untouched is my love for Babydoll—I love her… even if she doesn’t feel the same. I will take back what’s mine. My kingdom. My name. And my girl.

Every monster is scared of somethin’… and that somethin’ is me. No more hiding in the shadows because I’m huntin’ you… Father.

Run, wee monsters, run.

3. DELIVER US FROM EVIL by Monica James


Monsters are real… and that monster is me.

I’ve surrendered. I have no other choice. With Babydoll gone, I’m going to do whatever it takes to find her. I will lie. Cheat. Murder… and I’ll do so with a smile. I’ll even sell my soul to the devil… because that’s who my father, Sean Kelly, is. He won’t stop until Belfast is his. He knows I’m at my breaking point. Just how far will he push until I lose myself to the darkness for good? But I’m prepared to give it all away. She’s all that matters.

However, this life isn’t done with me yet. A startling secret threatens to destroy me, and a new player is introduced into the game. I don’t know if he is a friend or foe. What I do know is that he has the power to change the world as I know it. He wants what is mine. My kingdom. My name. And my legacy. But I am Puck Kelly—and every monster is scared of somethin’… and that somethin’ is me. No more hiding in the shadows because I’m huntin’ youse, and this time, I won’t lose.

Run, wee monsters, run.


Monica James is a best-selling author of contemporary romance who spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson.

She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life.

When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two.

She resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals.

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