Dirty Martini Running Club

Amazing if you’re looking for a sweet rom-com with bubbly characters and a lot of feels.



Dating can be tricky, but how hard can it be to find the right guy? Or even just a normal guy? For Everly Dalton, it’s a bit like trying to walk in stilettos—while drunk, blindfolded, and wearing the wrong size shoes. She hasn’t exactly been lucky in love. In fact, she just might be cursed.

A guy who only dates lookalikes of his ex? Pass. An alpha-male businessman who bolts in a moment of crisis? No thanks. A date that turns into the creepiest interview in the history of ever? Where does she find these guys?

Join Everly as she dishes to her friends about the surprising, unpredictable, and sometimes crazy adventure that is modern dating. Will she keep matching with frogs or find her Prince Charming?


1. FAKING MS. RIGHT by Claire Kingsley


Everly Dalton is a walking, talking, martini-drinking dating disaster. Forget kissing frogs. She can’t even get past the first date. But at work, she’s a badass—the longest-running assistant billionaire Shepherd Calloway has ever had. Her coworkers wonder how she handles the big bad wolf—and never gets bit.

Shepherd Calloway isn’t interested in being anyone’s sugar daddy. Tired of women who only want him for his money, he swears off dating, determined to focus on running his empire. Until his gold-digging ex hits him where it hurts, putting him in a difficult position.

His solution—to have Everly pose as his live-in girlfriend—is obviously crazy. But the timing is uncanny. It just so happens Everly needs a favor from her boss—a big and awkward one—and this could ensure everyone gets what they want. Besides, Everly can totally survive a few months of faux romance. Except there’s a problem. Shepherd is supposed to be a single-minded, unemotional robot boss. Not an actual human with a heart and morning wood. Between the awkward bed-sharing and tingly fake dates, lines are blurring. And as Everly gets to know the real Shepherd, she discovers there’s more to the man behind the bank account. And faking it gets all too real.

2. FALLING FOR MY ENEMY by Claire Kingsley


What happens when frenemies take the experiment out of the lab and into the bedroom?

Corban Nash is a self-proclaimed data nerd with a sexy half-smile and a set of abs that leave girls drooling. He developed a theory he claims will make two people fall in love. And after numerous tests on friends and family, it’s been successful for everyone who’s tried it. The problem is, it’s never worked on him. And he doesn’t know why. Still, he’s determined to prove his theory. The only thing standing in his way? Hazel Kiegen.

Hazel refuses to be distracted by Corban’s adorable awkwardness or his temptingly muscular body. He claims to have cracked the code to falling in love, and she’s going to prove him wrong.

From the moment these two rivals meet, their chemistry is irresistible. And what’s wrong with a little sex between enemies? But when they put Corban’s theory to the test for themselves, the results are deliciously unexpected.

3. MARRYING MR. WRONG by Claire Kingsley


I never should have gone commando in that dress. I’m almost positive the rest of it wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been dangling off a hotel balcony with my lady parts in the breeze. And of course, the one person to witness my mortification had to be HIM. Camden Cox.

Sure, today he’s gorgeous and wealthy, and fine, I can admit he has a great sense of humor. But once upon a time, he was the boy who loved to make my life miserable. He no longer pulls my pigtails, but I know his type. He wants one thing, and one thing only. A chance to get in my pants. Nope. Not happening. Not even with that sexy Southern drawl.

But I’m Sophie Abbott, and if there’s one thing I’m good at, it's making a mess. Only this isn’t just a mess. It’s a disaster. A Sophie disaster. Because after a wild night in Vegas, I wake up naked in his hotel room. And I’m pretty sure we got married.

4. FLIRTING WITH FOREVER by Claire Kingsley


Nora Lakes is sophisticated, successful, and happily single. Career problems aside, her life is fine the way it is, thank you very much. Sure, her best friends are all moving into a new season of life—full of husbands and babies and white picket fences. But that’s not what Nora wants. Neither is the gruff, tattooed guy next door.

Tattoo artist Dex St. James has enough trouble on his hands without the distractingly beautiful woman next door. Being a single dad to a teenage girl is no joke. The last thing he needs is a flirtatious new neighbor who makes his blood run hot. He’ll just avoid her. She’s not his type anyway.

But Nora and Dex can’t seem to stay out of each other’s way. Between a pesky nocturnal visitor, Nora’s blossoming friendship with Dex’s daughter, and their undeniable chemistry, that up-against-the-wall, brain-melting kiss was probably inevitable.

Nora has rules when it comes to men, and she has her reasons. Dex threatens to break every last one of them. She doesn’t want forever. He won’t settle for anything less. But when these two collide, the result is fire. And maybe even forever.


Claire Kingsley is an Amazon Top 5 best-selling author of contemporary romance, focusing on romantic comedies in particular.

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