
A new reverse harem romance series set in Shadow Grove.

1. 7TH CIRCLE by Tate James


Five years ago, I masterminded the infamous massacre of the Tri-state Timberwolves. The streets outside the Wolves HQ ran red with the blood of the old guard, and not one of those members loyal to my father were spared mercy. Not a single one.

I let the media twist and distort the story. My new recruits eagerly proved themselves in spreading false news, in covering our tracks. To the general public, the Tri-State Timberwolves were extinct. But that couldn’t have been further from the truth. We changed, we grew, we evolved and came out stronger than ever. Now, I live, eat, sleep and breathe Timberwolves. I’ll do anything to keep my empire safe and thriving. To keep the people depending on me safe.

So, what do I do, when it’s my own weakness that places us all in danger? When I let sex cloud my judgment, and my people pay the price?

Simple. Kill the distractions.

I’m called Hades for a reason, after all.

2. ANARCHY by Tate James


Five years ago, I made a choice that I haven’t regretted a day since. I protected the single most important person in my world, my little sister. I protected myself, and I seized control of the Tri-state Timberwolves. Since then, I’ve wielded that power with an iron fist. Done whatever it took to take care of my people. Kept us out of the public eye, and kept us safe.

Now a ghost from my past is threatening my position. Challenging me. Peddling their poison and breaking my rules. Stabbing at me in the dark. Blowing up my fucking club.

But this last attack has taken it one step too far. They have no idea the lengths I’ll go to protect what is mine. And Lucas? He’s mine.

They want anarchy? They haven’t seen anything yet.

3. CLUB 22 by Tate James


They say to keep your enemies close and mine are all around me. At the heart of it are four dangerously gorgeous men. The man who wants to light my darkness and already paid the price for loving me. The man who can handle my power and loves every dark inch of me. The man who has been my closest companion and now threatens to upend our carefully balanced world in pursuit of me. But the fourth man is probably the most terrifying. He wants to take the others away. He wants to tear the spinal column out my empire. Destroy my businesses. Destroy me.


Because the man who should have stayed dead wants me and he will stop at nothing until he’s carved out my bloody, beating heart and left me broken.

He should remember who he’s dealing with… I’m not the girl he knew anymore. I’m Hades.

This time when death comes for him, I’ll make sure it sticks.

4. TIMBER by Tate James



My best friend, my right hand, the man I trusted above all others. Zayden de Rosa declared his love for me and pursued me until he shattered the walls between us. Then the man who loved me proved to be a traitor. I never saw that coming.


My fierce lover, he died to protect me. Let me kill him and erase him so he could move in the shadows. He’s out there alone and he has no idea what’s happened. All he’ll know is that I’m not where I’m supposed to be. Something that might cost him his life for real. I have to trust him to survive on his own. He never saw that coming.


My lighthouse. My lover. My Lucas. I love him so damn much and while I might be guilty of some crimes, the worst seems to be hurting him. The majority of what they arrested me for was a damn lie, but not that one. Hopefully the light he promised me will sustain through this time. We never saw that coming.


My ex is at the heart of this all. One assault after another. He didn’t break me before and he won’t break me now.

I’m Hades. He’ll never see me coming.


Tate James is a USA Today best-selling author of romance novels.

She is a lover of books, red wine, and coffee. Most definitely not a morning person. She is a bit too sarcastic and swears too much for polite society and definitely tells too many dirty jokes.

Tate was born and raised in the Land of the Long White Cloud in New Zealand but now lives in Australia with her husband, babies, and a furbaby.

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