Hockey at Briar U

Game animation


1. THE CHASE by Elle Kennedy


Everyone says opposites attract. And they must be right because there’s no logical reason why I’m so drawn to Colin Fitzgerald. I don’t usually go for tattoo-covered, video-gaming, hockey-playing nerd-jocks who think I’m flighty and superficial. His narrow view of me is the first strike against him. It doesn’t help that he’s buddy-buddy with my brother. And that his best friend has a crush on me. And that I just moved in with them. Oh, did I not mention we’re roommates?

I suppose it doesn’t matter. Fitzy has made it clear he’s not interested in me, even though the sparks between us are liable to burn our house down. I’m not the kind of girl who chases after a man, though, and I’m not about to start. I’ve got my hands full dealing with a new school, a sleazy professor, and an uncertain future. So if my sexy brooding roomie wises up and realizes what he’s missing? He knows where to find me.


We are finally back at Briar University!

The Chase is a complete standalone book in the new Briar U series (a spin-off of the original Off-Campus series), but there’re returning characters and a few prior events referenced from Off-Campus novels. So, I would highly recommend backtracking anyway, because the books of the original series are just that great.

We already met Summer (Dean’s little sister) and Fitzy (a junior member of the same beloved hockey team) before, and it’s their love story.

Perception and reality are vastly disparate. The truth is usually found somewhere in between.

Summer was used to people jumping to conclusions about her based on the appearances and family background and struggled a lot in the beginning because of a reputation (and not an accurate one) that preceded her. I felt bad about such injustices especially when I realized how cute and fragile she was.

Summer knew Fitzy (who she had an instant crush on) along with some of his other teammates because, obviously, she’s Dean’s little sister. But Colin (being drawn to Summer and equally pained to be around her) tried to distance himself from the gorgeous and explosive blondie for some idiotic reasons of not wanting drama and attention from being associated with her, and actually succeeded in the end.

“It's hard to believe that two weeks ago I was excited about seeing Fitzy. Now I'm dreading it. M unicorn is no longer a unicorn. He's a judgmental donkey.”

Colin Fitzgerald (but I like Fitzy better because the nickname is simply cute) wasn’t a stereotypical jock. Don’t get me wrong, he was a very talented hockey player (I know this for a fact thanks to Elle Kennedy’s amazing ability to describe the sports action), but he was also an open introvert geek/nerd. He did enjoy playing hockey but showed no particular interest in pursuing a professional career after graduation because his heart and soul and head were already consumed by fine arts of sketching and coding for his own RPGs. I absolutely loved Fitzy because I can really relate to this guy being a nerd myself, but oftentimes I wanted to punch his stubborn ass.

The attraction between the main characters was prominent. I don’t know why but for some reason the kissing scenes felt more sensual to me than the sex ones.

Overall, The Chase was an easy and quick read. A great new beginning/continuation of my favourite series!

Red lips

2. THE RISK by Elle Kennedy


Everyone says I’m a bad girl. They’re only partly right—I don’t let fear rule me, and I certainly don’t care what people think. But I draw the line at sleeping with the enemy. As the daughter of Briar’s head hockey coach, I’d be vilified if I hooked up with a player from a rival team. And that’s who Jake Connelly is. Harvard’s star forward is arrogant, annoying, and too attractive for his own good. But fate is cruel—I require his help to secure a much-coveted internship, and the sexy jerk isn’t making it easy for me.

I need Connelly to be my fake boyfriend. For every fake date…he wants a real one. Which means this bad girl is in big trouble. Nothing good can come from sneaking around with Jake Connelly. My father would kill me, my friends will revolt, and my post-college career is on the line. But while it’s getting harder and harder to resist Jake’s oozing sex appeal and a cocky grin, I refuse to fall for him. That’s the one risk I’m not willing to take.



‘Fake dating’ trope is one of my absolute favourites! Elle Kennedy successfully delivered an adorable love story with a seamless blend of both cute and sexy banter and sizzling hot tension between two well-crafted-and-developed characters who loved to hate each other. And while I fell in love with confident and independent Brenna (although in reality, there was a fragile girl hidden behind her carefully built strong facade), please please please someone tell me that Connelly actually exists somewhere out there and one day I’ll be able to meet this cutie in flesh (hubby, please, forgive my swooning and drooling over a perfect guy self).

“Anyone can give me an orgasm, but not everyone can touch my soul. One kiss can make me fall in love with someone. I know it, because it happened once before. And that's why kissing scares me sometimes.”

Brenna Jensen is the daughter of the all-mighty championship-winning head coach of the Briar University hockey team (unbeatable during the Off-Campus era), meaning the girl knows her hockey. But don’t mistake her for some daddy girl. She’s one of those who wholeheartedly enjoy the game very much, and had dreams of making a career in sports journalism. Unfortunately, as it’s so common nowadays, being a woman in a heavily male-dominated industry meant her professional knowledge and skill set wasn’t good enough, and she had to fake the oh so desired ‘proximity’ to one arrogant (but so so sexy) rising hockey star, Jake Connelly, the talented captain of the rival Harvard hockey team. And of course, sweet sweet Jakey didn’t let the opportunity to get closer to the feisty beauty with a sharp tongue and alluring red lips slip through his fingers.

“Want to make out some more before we go?” Jake’s tone is boyishly hopeful.


His gaze turns devilish. “How about a blowjob?”

“Aw, I appreciate the offer, but I don’t have a penis.”

The sexual attraction between Brenna and Jake was and is one of a kind (just trust me, I’ve read not hundreds but thousands of romance novels). Every single interaction of theirs made me shake either because of laughter or tears. Their sex-infused witty banter and heated bickering were the absolute best! The actual messing around and love-making scenes were extremely hot (SPOILER! 69 was my favourite one) but surprisingly sensual and tender at the same time.

I highly recommend reading The Risk! What are you waiting for? Go grab your copy ASAP!

PS. In case it’s not obviously clear, The Risk is my most favourite book from the entire series!

PSS. Dear Elle Kennedy, if you ever happen to see this post, I humbly beg you to bless us all and write Weston’s story. And I do remember he isn’t from Briar but pretty please?



3. THE PLAY by Elle Kennedy


What I learned after last year’s distractions cost my hockey team our entire season? No more screwing up. No more screwing, period. As the new team captain, I need a new philosophy: hockey and school now, women later. Which means that I, Hunter Davenport, am officially going celibate… no matter how hard that makes things. But there’s nothing in the rulebook that says I can’t be friends with a woman.

And I won’t lie—my new classmate, Demi Davis is one cool chick. Her smart mouth is hot as hell, and so is the rest of her, but the fact that she’s got a boyfriend eliminates the temptation to touch her. Except three months into our friendship, Demi is single and looking for a rebound. And she’s making a play for me. Avoiding her is impossible. We’re paired up on a yearlong school project, but I’m confident I can resist her. We’d never work, anyway. Our backgrounds are too different, our goals aren’t aligned, and her parents hate my guts. Hooking up is a very bad idea. Now I just have to convince my body—and my heart.


The Play is Hunter and Demi’s book. And the couple isn’t the best one in the series, in my personal opinion. But maybe it’s because I’m biased and swooned by Brenna and Jake and thus ruined for any other couple that comes after, I honestly don’t know…

The story was pretty average, and I didn’t feel attached. But I do want to give a shoutout to Pablo Eggscobar! My stomach hurt so much from laughter the day I read the book.

Sorority sisters

4. THE DARE by Elle Kennedy


College was supposed to be my chance to get over my ugly-duckling complex and spread my wings. Instead, I wound up in a sorority full of mean girls. I already have a hard time fitting in, so when my Kappa Chi sisters issue the challenge, I can’t say no. The dare: seduce the hottest new hockey player in the junior class.

Conor Edwards is a regular at Greek Row parties… and in Greek Row sorority beds. He’s the one you fall for before you learn that guys like him don’t give girls like me a second glance. Except Mr. Popular throws me for a loop—rather than laughing in my face, he does me a solid by letting me take him upstairs to pretend we’re getting busy. Even crazier, now he wants to keep pretending. Turns out Conor loves games, and he thinks it’s fun to pull the wool over my frenemies’ eyes.

But resisting his easy charm and surfer-boy hotness is darn near impossible. Though I’m realizing there’s much more to Conor’s story than his fan club can see. And the longer this silly ruse goes on, the greater the danger of it all blowing up in my face.



It’s official! I was basically ruined by our Hottie and Jakey for any other couple in the Briar U universe. But I did enjoy Conor and Taylor’s fake or not so fake relationship development. Honestly speaking, I absolutely love how Elle always gives a solid foundation from which the believable romance can be built upon.

Conor was such a swoony character. He was genuinely just nice and very patient with Taylor and her insecurities, and I liked him even more for it (there was just one time in the entire book when I found him annoyingly stupid though). The body image played a huge role in the plot unfolding. And although I could totally relate to T’s struggles being a plus-size myself, her thoughts and reservations about herself felt repetitive and eventually got on my last nerve.

Overall, The Dare was an entertaining love story perfect for uplifting the mood. The only thing I found weird this time around was the general pacing of the book… (You’ll understand this once you read it).

Anyway, I’m painfully sad to say goodbye to Briar University! Both Off-Campus and Briar U series have carved themselves a forever home in my heart (which is a sucker for a great sports romance with witty bickering, hilarious banter, and scorching hotness). No one writes intoxicating college sports romances like Elle Kennedy, THE Queen of love stories on and off the ice, does!


Elle Kennedy is a Canadian best-selling author of contemporary romance and romantic suspense with just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting. She has published books with Harlequin Enterprises, New American Library, Berkley, and Entangled Publishing, and has had multiple titles on the USA Today, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers lists. Her highly popular Off-Campus series has appeared on multiple bestsellers lists and released in over twenty countries worldwide.

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