Hush, Hush

Test your morals with this one.


1. HUSH, HUSH by Lucia Franco


I knew the rules.

Never reveal my true identity.
Play the game, give the illusion.
Don’t get close to the clients.

The dark and glamorous lifestyle of the rich and shameless open my eyes to a lavish world of sin and wealth, and a man I can’t have.

A man I desperately want—James Riviera.

We’re treading a fine line as we live the ultimate double life until we make a startling discovery that tests both our loyalties.

I only had to follow the rules, but rules are meant to be broken.


Hush Hush was a very unique book of a forbidden romance, a constant balancing between the urges and desires of a heart and the common sense of a mind. This captivating story pushed all of my ‘socially set’ boundaries and basically shattered my moral compass and consumed me whole.

I’m not going to mention anything about the storyline so that you can actually enjoy the delicious build-up. Certain events and conversations were unnecessary in the beginning and hardly important to the main plot though. Too excessive, in my personal opinion. But overall, the slow burn felt like really long and tormenting foreplay between the main characters. Still, worth it.

I know I should look at the dissolution of our clandestine agreement as a blessing in disguise, but it’s also undeniably heartbreaking. We were hopeless from the start.

Aubrey Abrams was not an ideal heroine, a struggling student determined to secure herself some financial stability at all costs. She was extremely flawed, a self-absorbed and compulsive little liar as well as an unapologetic cheater. The only things I found admirable were her confidence, independence, and clear understanding of own feelings towards James Riviera, who was such an alpha hero with a sometimes sexist attitude, so casually used. James was not ideal either. Selfish, spoilt, arrogant, and overly controlling… But charming, nonetheless.

“The universe is cruel for putting us together, but I don’t feel bad because what I feel when I’m with you is what I’ve been wanting all along, I just never knew it until I met you.”

The age gap between Aubrey and James was a nice little touch but definitely not the biggest barrier between the main characters. It seemed like absolutely everything screamed that they should neither be together nor even think or dream about each other. But their sizzling chemistry… OMG! The intense gravitation was so strong that it was simply impossible to resist and stay away… The sex scenes were sensual, smutty, and filthy to an extreme.

Hush Hush is sexy and dangerously suggestive but toxic through and through. The story challenges morality (there can be a deliberate discussion of sexism and ‘slut-shaming’ and the role and effects of connotations that this industry entails) and provides all angst-lovers with the fill for years in advance.

NOTE! You need to keep in mind, however, there were certain features highlighted wrongly in the book, mainly, the drug abuse to cope with a number of sexual situations on the verge of sexual assault (unacceptable even despite the overall setting of sex workers’ environment). I must say that the topics touched upon in Hush Hush are very sensitive and need to be approached rather carefully. I cannot judge the actions of the main characters in one particular manner, but it’s still good to read their story for an interesting perspective on the subject matter.

2. SAY YES by Lucia Franco


I broke all the rules.

He knows my true self.

Our relationship is far from a game.

I’ve never felt this close to a man.

James Riviera is everything I never knew I wanted. Powerful, sexy, alluring, and completely mine.

Now he wants to make me his wife.

I only have to say yes and I’ll have forever, but forever isn't as lasting as people believe.


A competitive athlete for over ten years, Lucia Franco currently resides in sunny South Florida with her husband and two boys.

Paranormal romance was her first love, but she has a soft spot in her heart for small-town and reunion romance stories.

When Lucia is not hard at work on her next novel, you can find her relaxing with her toes in the sand at a nearby beach.

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