Legends and Lovers

Check out the collection of dark legends and star-crossed love stories, woven with mystery and magic, love and lore, romance and suspense.

1. FROM SALT TO SKYE by Adriane Leigh


Fable Prescott believes two lies. The first, that she was chosen at random for the summer study abroad program at her university, and the second, that she came to the wind-whipped Isle of Skye to research her family’s mysterious Scottish ancestry. She never expected to find herself embroiled in a cold case that has kept a tiny seaside village on edge for years.

When another woman vanishes, Fable begins to wonder if there is more to the dark legends that cling to the island like a cold ocean mist. And if her brooding, devastatingly handsome new neighbor, Alder, is the only one that holds the key to her family’s tragic past.

2. WICKED MATRIMONY by Logan Chance


Draven Blackmoor is a monster. A nightmare who haunts my dreams. A vampire who stalks the night, hunting for his next victim. The ruler of a modern kingdom that dwells in the darkness. And I’m his only light.

I possess a power that makes me wanted by his enemies. He promises to save me by offering his crown. I have no choice but to marry him and become his queen. But I won’t fall for his seductive charms.

I’m forced to live in his castle and spend time with him. Forced to prepare for a wedding to a man who frightens me into believing his lies. Wicked royalty with no chance of redemption.

There’s only one thing he can’t force upon me—himself. Yet, the fact he stays away has me yearning for more. I find myself memorizing every curve of his chiseled body. The possessive way his sinewy muscles flow each time he stalks closer. The sensual way his lips curve upward in a sinister smile each time he talks to me. His hungry, dark eyes make promises he’ll never keep.

If it’s my blood he’s after, I’d quickly give him mine. He’s irresistible. And that thought terrifies me. So much that I sneak away and escape to the mountainous terrain of the haze-shrouded forest. I’ll take my chances with the evil waiting to capture me, rather than risk my heart to a man without one. However, I’ll never be ready for what’s waiting for me there.

3. GILDED CAGE by Dani Wyatt


A horrible curse has turned me into a monster. It keeps me from the one thing in this world that makes me want to live. Calliope wanders the halls and rooms of the golden castle, unable to leave cursed by the same dark forces that will to keep us apart forever.

Night and day from the edge of the woods, I watch. I stalk her, pacing as she wanders the lonely halls and rooms of the golden castle, the same dark curse that has trapped her there confining me to life inside this monstrous body in the darkness.

The forces arrayed against us, keeping us apart, are strong, but my will is stronger. The mere sight of her is the balm to the rage inside my twisted body, even knowing I can never touch her. But I know I must find a way.

Will the magic we create together be enough? Will it break the dark curse and allow us the life I so desperately want to give her? Or will the forces of evil prevail, tearing us apart again, this time forever?

4. CROWN OF THORNS by Terri E. Laine


Elin has never believed in the supernatural until one day she defies her mother’s rules to see the sunset from the outside rather than in. She is an adult and what could it hurt, really?

Only that mistake proves everything her mother ever taught her to be true. Gifts she doesn’t fully understand are wanted, and she’d forced on a quest to find the one man who can protect her from those who would use her to their own ends.

Duncan McAllister, a gorgeous fallen angel, with a warded castle, can keep her hidden. Only when she arrives, he makes it crystal clear he doesn’t want her there.

Elin, unwilling to remain with the obstinate man who doesn’t want to help her, inexplicably steps back in time over four hundred years in the past on the day Duncan is to wed another. Though she finally learns what’s her gifts are capable of, in a time when the lord rules all, she must find a way to survive or better, a way back to the present.

Only the servants in the castle believe her to be Duncan’s intended. To save her neck, she must walk down the aisle and marry a man who despises her on sight. The question remains what he will do when he lifts her veil and finds her not to be the woman he’s supposed to marry.

5. FALLING IN EDEN by Willow Aster


Phina wakes up in a beautiful place that feels familiar, but she doesn’t remember how she got there. When she’s told she survived a plane crash, it feels true, but all the details are blurry.

A gorgeous, grumpy stranger owns the house where she’s recovering, and she’s drawn to him, but everything about him confuses her. His elusive answers. The way he disappears right when they’re connecting. The dreams she has of the two of them when they were young.

The longer she’s there, the more comfortable she feels in her new home, and the more she falls for Nial. But her past begins to catch up with her, and it’s beyond anything she ever imagined.

To kill a mermaid

6. TO KILL A MERMAID by Claire Contreras


More information is to be announced soon.

Across the night

7. ACROSS THE NIGHT by Monica James


More information is to be announced soon.

Serpentine valentine



More information is to be announced soon.

9. HEART OF GLASS by Brittany Holland


Hated for her beauty... hunted for her heart.

Adelaide Snow has lived her entire life believing she’s ordinary, but the startling truth has been locked away in her mind... buried beneath an avalanche of lies.

The week before her twenty-first birthday, she wakes up in a mysterious castle that only exists in her dreams… or so she thought. It’s nothing like the fairytales she read as a child. No charming prince coming to save the day. Only a brooding huntsman with a shattered moral compass.

A stranger to the kingdom, and an enemy to the crown, Adelaide has two choices—wake herself from this illusion or disappear into the dark winter woods alone. The Black Forest can’t compare to the darkness lurking inside the palace walls. The evil Queen has demanded her fragile heart, but the rouge huntsman wants it for himself.

10. KEPT FOR PLEASURE by Frankie Love


I am broke and desperate when I see the job posting in the paper…

WANTED: A willing vessel for my dark depravity. Room and board included. Pay excellent.

I know this is a dangerous deal, but there are dark desires inside me too.

One day on the job, my innocence is gone.

Two days on the job, my hands are cuffed.

Day three, I am more than paid escort—I am billionaire Sebastian Montgomery’s captive. And I have never been so turned on.

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