
Purple flame

1. LILAC by B.B. Reid


I, Braxton Fawn, am the luckiest girl alive. Or so the world keeps telling me.

Every so often, gods walk the earth. This time they came as musicians. When Bound loses its lead guitarist, yours truly is chosen to fill his shoes. From dive bars to the big stage, my instant claim to fame is nothing short of a fairytale. The only problem? My new bandmates.

Jaded, gorgeous, and ridiculously talented—they’re determined to turn my dream into a nightmare. It’s no secret I wasn’t their first choice. I wasn’t even their last. The label wants a new image, Bound wants me gone, but I’ve got my own agenda.

To succeed I have to survive a world tour, public scrutiny, and idols turned enemies. But the biggest threat of all isn’t a meticulous frontman, a narcissistic bassist, and a drummer with too many secrets. It’s me.

Somehow, I must resist the temptation of Houston Morrow, Loren James, and Jericho Noble. It seemed easy enough when I boarded their tour bus, but it only took one city for the lines we’d drawn to blur.

Only ninety-nine more to go.


B.B.Reid, also known as Bebe, is the author of several angsty hit novels, who found her passion for romance when she read her first romance novel by Susan Johnson at a young age and she would sneak into her mother's closet for books and even sometimes the attic.

She currently resides in Charlotte with her moody cat Ivan and enjoys collecting Chuck Taylors and binge-eating chocolate.

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