Royal Hearts Academy

The series is full of drama with a touch of angst, and boys who are bad to the bone.


1. CRUEL PRINCE by A. Jade


Welcome to their kingdom...

I never thought I’d step foot in Royal Manor again. But four years later, here I am... back to finish my senior year at Royal Hearts Academy. And forced to face Jace Covington. My first friend. First crush. First kiss. The one I left behind. Only—he isn’t the same boy I gave my heart to.

This new Jace is as cruel as he is gorgeous. And he’s determined to make my life a living hell. Along with the rest of his glorified family and crew of tyrants.

They expect me to worship the ground they walk on like everyone else, but I’d rather eat dirt. If Jace Covington wants me gone... he’ll have to try harder. Because I’ve never been the kind of girl to play by the rules.


Cruel Prince was your typical bully romance but such a page-turner! I was kept on the edge of my comfy seat, desperate to find out what exactly happened between Dylan and Jace, former best friends on the borderline with lovers whose demons were kindred spirits.

The heart doesn’t choose who we love by their worth. Because love isn’t a choice. It’s an illogical, all-consuming consequence that results from someone stealing a vital piece of you.

Dylan and Jace were best friends before they were enemies, therefore her love for him was always stronger than her animosity. There were lots of lies and secrets surrounding these two tortured hearts that tore them apart and made it really hard for them to find their way back to each other’s side. I was fascinated by their story and by the nature of its development. Amazing!

“Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”

“Yup. I’m destroying the kingdom. And just like a game of chess, you have to take down the queen before conquering the king. Or in this case, the prince.”

Dylan was strong and wonderful but so naive. She was frustrated and confused about how Jace could be so cruel while being disgustingly gorgeous. And honestly speaking, I was on the same page with her. I wanted to punch in Jace’s smug face more times than I can now remember, as I couldn’t grasp the possible reasons behind his cruel grudge against sweet Dylan. But the way she handled all the nastiness and ugliness this jackass kept throwing at her made me really proud of her!

“Kiss me like you’re mine. I dare you.”

Jace was an annoying broken cruel prince who was so stubborn and so blind to see what was right in front of his beautiful face all the damn time. It was oftentimes difficult for him to find proper words to describe those precious feelings he had for Dylan. I sighed and rolled my eyes so much I cannot even…

“I guess my broken pieces missed yours as much as I missed you.”

The relationship between Dylan and Jace was complicated, but their gravitation towards one another was irresistible. The chemistry and constant tension were palpable. The kisses were sensual. The back-and-forth was on fire.

My only concern, or regret really, was that the whole problem was once again in miscommunication or lack of such at all. Sigh. But I would still recommend the book for a quick read.



Cole Covington is the most popular heartbreaker at school. Every guy wants to be him and every girl wants to screw him. Except me. His devastatingly good looks, golden arm, and flirty smiles don’t do it for me anymore... because I know what’s lurking underneath the star quarterback’s gorgeous armor. At least I thought I did.

Sometimes the most beautiful people... hide the ugliest truths. And sometimes the only way to save someone... is to walk beside them through hell.

Sawyer Church is the bible-thumping nerd of Royal Hearts Academy. Girls pick on her and guys don’t notice her. Except me. Sweet, curvy, and sarcastic, she’s impossible to ignore. No matter how much I try. Everyone at school has her pegged as the chubby, Jesus loving geek, but unlike them—Sawyer’s real and never pretends to be someone she’s not. Until I ask her to be my fake girlfriend.

Sometimes the most beautiful souls... hide the greatest pain. And sometimes the only way to save someone... is to fight for them.




Welcome to their kingdom.

They call me a heartless b*tch. An evil manipulator. A wicked princess who enjoys hurting people.

They tell me terrible things happened. Things that changed my life forever.

Only problem is... I can't remember any of it.



Welcome to their kingdom...

They say you’re happy now. That you can’t remember anything from your past and it’s for the best. They told me if I cared about you I’d stay far away and leave you alone for good. Because you’re getting married to a man you love. Only problem is... you loved me first.


Ashley Jade loves to tackle different genres and tropes within romance. Her first loves are New Adult Romance and Romantic Suspense, but she also writes everything in between, including contemporary romance, erotica, and dark romance. Her characters are flawed and complex, and chances are you will hate them before you fall head over heels in love with them.

She’s a die-hard lover of oxford commas, em-dashes, music, coffee, and anything thought-provoking…except for math. Books make her heart beat faster and writing makes her soul come alive. She’s always read books growing up and scribbled stories in her journal, and after having a strange dream one night; she decided to just go for it and publish her first series. It was the best decision she ever made.

If she’s not paying off student loan debt, working, or writing a novel—you can usually find her listening to music, hanging out with her readers online, and pondering the meaning of life.

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