Royals of Forsyth University

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1. LORDS OF PAIN by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


I never claimed to be a good girl, but I definitely never asked for this.

Killian, Tristian, and Rath. These three men are a part of my past—one that I’d rather never look in the eye again. In high school, they knew my secrets and I knew theirs. They had power and I had nothing. The night everything fell apart, my stepbrother allowed his two best friends to take their rage out on me while he watched. While they laughed. But what happened that night wasn’t my biggest secret. So I ran, planning on never coming back.

Three years later I’m standing on their doorstep like a stray. They’re more powerful than ever now, having risen to the rank of Lords at Forsyth University. But I’m still on the run and there’s another monster chasing me down.

What could bring me back into their lives, their homes, and ultimately, their beds? Fear. Shame. Desperation.

Killian, Rath, and Tristian aren’t the only ones who want me. There’s someone far more dangerous out there who’s been stalking me since I left town the first time. Someone who makes the evil I know feel less dangerous than the evil I don’t. But being their Lady is more than just fancy clothes and reputation. I might be under their protection, but I’m also at their mercy. And there’s nothing a Lord loves more than taking control.

2. LORDS OF WRATH by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


They hurt me, abuse me, use me…

I signed up for it. Literally. I agreed to the contract that made me the Lords’ Lady, a position that requires me to do whatever they want, but only as protection from someone worse. I agreed to be in their beds, on my knees, and punished should I disobey. I just wasn’t expecting punishment like this.

Killian is two-hundred-and-twenty pounds of muscle, brutal physicality, and pure spite. He thinks I don’t know that he watches me when I sleep. Tristian is fair-haired and charming to anyone who doesn’t know better. To me, he’s the man who seeks to control me, with his cold eyes and possessiveness. Rath is the dark-eyed tempest who took me into his bed. Even having been subjected to his barbed tongue, he’s the first man to ever make me feel safe.

I hadn’t realized how much they’ve worn me down and made me feel complacent, but it turns out they’ve messed with my head just as much as they abused my body. Despite the awful things they’ve done to me, they actually made me feel special. Cared for. Protected. And then I found out it was all a lie.

The way Tristian cares, Killian’s vigilant eyes, and worst of all, my contented moments in Rath’s bed, were all part of a game. A game to see who can use me best. A game they’ve been playing since day one. And now? It’s a game I’m going to win.

3. LORDS OF MERCY by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


I came back to Forsyth and agreed to be their Lady for two reasons: protection and revenge.

I put up with the abuse, the degradation, the humiliation, and bided my time. I wanted vengeance and I took it. The Lords give as good as they get and the consequences were fierce, but there’s one truth when it comes to Killian, Dimitri and Tristian. They keep what’s theirs.

They wanted to break me, but instead, they molded me into their perfect weakness. They fought for me. Bled for me. Championed for me. I was put through the gauntlet and came out stronger. I earned the title of Lady. Then they became my weakness.

I agreed to sleep under their roof, but on my terms. No more rules, no more punishments, no cameras or dress codes or sneaking into my bedroom. In return, I’ll give them a chance to earn the title of Lord.

Building trust takes time, but with all the threats nipping at our heels, that’s a luxury we don’t have. We have to rely on one another despite our complicated pasts—to find a murderer, a stalker, and a traitor.

This new life of pain, wrath, and mercy is a confusing maze of twists and turns. Fortunately for us, there will always be one fixed constant, guiding us home: The Royal We.

3.5. LADY OF FORSYTH by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


Obsess. Beguile. Control.

The Lords ran the South Side of Forsyth unfettered and ruthlessly.

Until Story Austin returned home.

You know their tale, but are you ready for the rest?

4. DUKES OF RUIN by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


The crowns of Forsyth Royalty aren’t built with jewels. They’re forged in blood and sacrifice.

They say a parent should never pick favorites, but my d*ck of a father, Lionel Lucia, is no Ward Cleaver. He’s a Count—a King of Forsyth—and all he ever wanted was a daughter to marry off and a son to secure his legacy. My sister’s marriage to the leader of the Counts would keep him in control of his house. If he’d had a son, things would have been perfect. Instead, he got me.

Too wild. Too rash. Too rebellious. I’m half as pretty as my sister, and twice as stubborn. I grew up under the brutal force of our father’s fist, but it didn’t break me. If anything, it just made me more determined to strike back. And I would have, too. If my sister hadn’t disappeared.

I’ve spent the last year at the mercy of the Kings, caged and tormented. But the three thugs who arrive in the night, masked and vicious, decide to take me for their own.

There’s the Maniac, with his razor-sharp smile and frantic eyes, thrashing around me in a hurricane of hard touches and whispered words. By the time Remy’s done marking me, I’m not sure there’ll be anything left to call my own. The Lurker, with his malevolent stare and bitter tongue, hates me the most. It’s easier with him, knowing that he could never want me. If being the object of Sy’s resentment is bad, then being the object of his desire just might be my undoing. The Creep is the worst of all three. Not because he’s meaner or harsher, but because he’s neither. Two hundred pounds of inked, imposing muscle, Nick Bruin has been following me since I first became a pawn. Now, he means to make me his.

The Dukes are known for winning with their fists, but transforming Lavinia Lucia from the Kings’ captive to their unwilling Duchess will be their biggest match yet.

5. DUKES OF MADNESS by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


Two years of my life have been stolen by the Royals of Forsyth. Two years of captivity and hell. Two years at the whim of powerful men.

I spent that time seeking freedom. Now I want nothing more than revenge.

It won’t be easy. It’ll be painful and humiliating, but in the end taking down the thugs and thieves and criminals terrorizing Forsyth will be worth it.

I just have to decide who to go after first.

6. DUKES OF PERIL by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


The ruin of obsession, the madness of love, and the peril of duty.

Remington Maddox broke my heart. Simon Perilini bruised my body. And Pretty Nick Bruin tried his hardest to steal my soul. As we struggle to make amends, the four of us must face the real fights occurring in Forsyth: The battle against the legacies of our fathers, the conflict for a Kingdom that's stronger than its King, and the wars we wage within ourselves.

My Dukes have become capable warriors, but Forsyth needs more than their fists. They need a leader. Who will rise to the challenge?

They plucked me from captivity, giving me a home and purpose, and now it’s my turn to fight for them. The fury of Forsyth will burn hot enough to melt my cage. And my Dukes will forge a crown from it.

7. PRINCES OF CHAOS by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


“Tonight embarks your journey as the vessel for the next great heir. Any woman can have a womb, but yours has been chosen.” He steps forward and presses a hand to my stomach. “Blessed.”

When I received the invitation to the Princes’ masked ball, I assumed it was a mistake. Possibly a prank. Why would East End Royalty invite West End trash for an opportunity to become their Princess? The bigger question: Why would I take it?

I was raised to be the Dukes’ Duchess, but that dream came to an end when they chose a different woman. I had everything it took to be a house girl, including my innocence, something the Princes not only hold in high regard, but explicitly require. It’s not the title that scares me. It’s the men who have been chosen by the King. His adoptive sons.

Whitaker would fit the textbook image of Prince Charming to everyone but me. Gorgeous, athletic, and obnoxiously promiscuous, it only takes a few days as his Princess to realize the flirtatiousness in his eyes is a mask for what’s haunted beneath. Believing me to be responsible for the two years he’s spent in prison, Pace harbors a grudge that’s as unyielding as his determination to know my every move. Even when he’s locked himself away, his eyes are everywhere. Watching. Waiting. Lex, a moody, high-strung student on a straight shot to become a gifted surgeon, would rather have me under his scalpel than his body. Treating me like the subject of his experiment with fertilization is the closest I’ll come to having him as a lover.

These three have been trained to excel, endure, and maim, be it on in the hockey rink or down in the Palace’s dungeon. But most of all, they are Princes with one duty: to produce the next heir.

To Create is to Reign.

8. PRINCES OF ASH by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


“To create is to reign.”

The phrase uttered by the Princes of Forsyth is no longer a motto, but a harsh truth: I’m carrying the East End heir. My pregnancy announcement wasn’t the only bomb dropped at the Princes’ annual Valentine’s Day party. I’d revealed to the entire world that Rufus Ashby is an abusive man who rules his sons with a sadistic bent, terrorizing them into becoming the best soldiers a father can create. Turns out, I’m not the only one fighting for survival in this house of horrors.

Whitaker—he’s beautiful and broken, and though my betrayal of him may be my biggest regret, he makes it difficult to feel guilty. Pace—the same paranoia which makes him viciously cling to the things he loves also drives him to lock them away. Lex—his brilliance is matched only by his loyalty, but there’s two sides to the man who wanders into my room at night.

It’s not just the Palace that’s haunted by evil men; it’s the very soil the structure is built on. I’ll soon come to find the traumatic bonds that link my Princes to one another are more than mere shackles. If I want the Monarchs to succeed, if I want this baby to have a chance, if I want to survive… I have no choice but to break the ties of the Ashby brothers the same way I destroy the Palace. Brick by brick.

9. PRINCES OF LEGACY by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue


More information is to be announced soon.


Angel Lawson is a USA Today best-selling author of contemporary romance.

She lives with her family in Atlanta and has a lifelong obsession with creating fiction from reality, either with paint or words. On a typical day, you can find her listening to true crime podcasts or binge-watching documentaries about serial killers or cults.

Samantha Rue is a popular author of contemporary romance.

She is a professional graphic designer who runs a book cover and media design company by day, and writes about tragic assholes by night. She has a husband and one cat.

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