Sins of the Fathers

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1. BY SIN I RISE I by Cora Reilly


Maddox–Mad Dog–White hates everything the name Vitiello stands for after he witnessed his father and his men getting butchered by the Capo of the Italian mob in their territory. Raised by his uncle, the president of the Tartarus MC, Maddox is destined to follow in his footsteps. Now their chapter is on the rise again, but for their ultimate triumph, they need to destroy the Vitiello empire. And what better way to do it than to steal the spoilt Vitiello princess and break her piece by piece until her father begs for mercy.

Known as the spoilt princess of New York, Marcella Vitiello grew up in a golden cage. If your father is the most feared man in New York, people gift you with reverence. Destined to marry the boyfriend approved by her father, Marcella is sick of being treated like an untouchable porcelain doll. She resents the life forced upon her by her family until everything she took for granted is ripped from her. Where she’s now, her name doesn’t bring awe, only pain, and humiliation.

If you’ve grown up in a high castle, the fall is all the deeper.

Sins of the fathers have a way of catching up… who’s going to bleed for them?

2. BY SIN I RISE II by Cora Reilly


A fatal bond that was never meant to be.

Marcella gave Maddox the impossible choice, and he chose her. Still, she wonders if Maddox is ready to commit to a relationship, or if he’s scared of losing the uninhibited freedom his biker lifestyle offered him.

All his life Maddox knew who his enemies were, but suddenly he’s at a loss whom to trust. Will he ever find a place in Marcella’s life and family, or will old companions give him a new home and purpose?

Can enemies ever truly become lovers if the odds are against them?



3. BY VIRTUE I FALL by Cora Reilly


Love is an inconvenience Anna Cavallaro doesn’t have time for.

She only has one goal: to become a fashion designer. Chicago’s elite already copies her style religiously, not least because she’s the daughter of the city’s notorious mafia boss. When she’s accepted at a world-famous fashion institute in Paris, her father’s condition is to take her bodyguard along.

Anna definitely wouldn’t mind a few weeks of no-strings-attached fun with her brooding protector.

Santino Bianchi became the Outfit’s enforcer because he liked the thrill of the hunt and kill. Babysitting his Capo’s daughter is an honorable assignment he can’t refuse. His thoughts about Anna? Not so honorable. Santino’s ignored Anna’s persistent flirting for years. Now far away from home, boundaries begin to blur. But Santino doesn’t have any intention to be the reason for a failed engagement and the ensuing scandal.

A summer fling in Paris. Only two things stand in Anna’s way. Santino’s iron will. And… her fiancé.

4. BY FATE I CONQUER by Cora Reilly



Do you believe in love at first sight? In a love so strong and bright, it ignites you even in your darkest hours? Do you believe that somewhere in this world there’s someone who’s destined to be your other half? Your soulmate?

I didn’t. Until I met her.

Greta Falcone. Protected mafia princess from the madmen of Las Vegas, she’s forbidden to me.


My love for my family and my animals was all I needed. I never thought I’d fall in love. Until I met him.

Amo Vitiello. Future Capo of the Famiglia. Cruel and cold. The smiles that he has only for me quiet the chaos in my head.

What if you find your soulmate at the wrong time?

I knew the cruelest men, and yet nothing could ever be crueler than fate itself.



5. BY FRENZY I RUIN by Cora Reilly


The line between love and hate blurs between a guy who loves to hate and a girl who hates to love.

Aurora Scuderi spent her childhood and teenage days doing one thing—loving Nevio. Until one fateful moment. He breaks her heart without a second thought, leaving Aurora with her broken heart bleeding in her hands.

Fleeing Las Vegas is the only way for Aurora to heal—forget Nevio and that night. But a man like Nevio cannot be shaken off that easily. The hunter in him was awakened.

Nevio Falcone is darkness. It seeps from his pores. It’s where his monster comes out to play to satisfy its cravings. Until he starts to crave something other than carnage: the one woman he shouldn’t pursue—Aurora.

What Nevio craves, he ruins. He told her to keep her distance. Now it’s too late to run away. Consequences be damned.

6. BY CUNNING I PREVAIL by Cora Reilly


Leonas Cavalarro and Charlotte Clark. More information is to be announced soon.

By cunning I prevail by Cora Reilly


Cora Reilly is the author of the Born in Blood Mafia series, the Camorra Chronicles, and many other books, most of them featuring dangerously sexy bad boys. Before she found her passion in romance books, she was a traditionally published author of young adult literature.

When she doesn’t spend her days dreaming up sexy books, she plans her next travel adventure or cooks too spicy dishes from all over the world.

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