Star-Crossed Lovers Duet

A gritty, off-limits romance about mistakes, choices, and love conquering all.

1. THE CHOICE by A. Jade


The world thought I belonged to another man... they were wrong.

He was the mysterious dark knight always swooping in to save me when I needed it most. I was the troubled girl with scars and a bleeding heart.

He was the gifted guitarist destined for big things. I was the small-town girl battling her demons.

He was my earth... always keeping me grounded. And I was his sky... always just out of his reach.

Our love was everything I wished for. Until I destroyed it.

I never thought I’d see Memphis Payne again after I broke his heart, but the stars had other plans. Because here he is... needing me to clean up his mess this time.

Only problem is... Doing so will break both our hearts.

They say only the strongest love can survive an apocalypse. That if two people are meant to be, they’ll find their way back to each other. I hope they’re right.



He was the mysterious dark knight always swooping in to save me when I needed it most. I was the troubled girl with scars and a bleeding heart. He was the gifted guitarist destined for big things. I was the small-town girl battling her demons. He was my earth.... always keeping me grounded. And I was his sky... always just out of his reach.

Our love was everything I wished for. Until I destroyed it.

I never thought I’d see Memphis Payne again after I broke his heart, but the stars had other plans. Because here he is... needing me to clean up his mess this time. Only problem is... Doing so will break both our hearts.

They say only the strongest love can survive an apocalypse. That if two people are meant to be, they’ll find their way back to each other. I hope they’re right.


Ashley Jade loves to tackle different genres and tropes within romance. Her first loves are New Adult Romance and Romantic Suspense, but she also writes everything in between, including contemporary romance, erotica, and dark romance. Her characters are flawed and complex, and chances are you will hate them before you fall head over heels in love with them.

She’s a die-hard lover of oxford commas, em-dashes, music, coffee, and anything thought-provoking…except for math. Books make her heart beat faster and writing makes her soul come alive. She’s always read books growing up and scribbled stories in her journal, and after having a strange dream one night; she decided to just go for it and publish her first series. It was the best decision she ever made.

If she’s not paying off student loan debt, working, or writing a novel—you can usually find her listening to music, hanging out with her readers online, and pondering the meaning of life.

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