Tempting Monsters

Let me introduce you to the ridiculously hot monster smut. You’re welcome.




On the brink of losing her position as a maid and with no prospects to go on, the offer of a place at Rooksgrave Manor—a house of ill and unusual repute—sounds like a perfect fit for a young woman with Esther’s inclinations. Even better, the invitation comes by the hand of the handsome Dr. Underwood, a delicate gentleman with a ferocious alter ego who knows exactly what he wants from Esther.

Upon arrival, the men and the daily decadence of the manor feel too good to be true for a girl of Esther’s station. There are rules to be followed, expectations to meet, and Esther is afraid she might be too wicked even for a place like Rooksgrave.

Temptations lurk around every shadowy corner and Esther has never been a girl able to resist. But the risk of disappointing her new gentlemen isn’t all that’s threatening Esther’s new position. Rooksgrave Manor’s protections for its unusual patrons are failing, the wards are crumbling, and Esther’s new and exquisitely pleasurable life may all come tumbling down.

2. THE COMPANY OF FIENDS by Kathryn Moon


After eight years on the stage with The Company of Fiends, the glow of the spotlight is starting to wear thin for Hazel Nix. The theater is perfect for a girl like her—one with a secret she keeps even from her more monstrous peers—but playing pretend is only exciting for so long. After so many lovers, on stage and otherwise, Hazel has yet to make a lasting connection with anyone and considers taking her last bow at the company.

Just as Hazel encounters a new and intriguing patron, disaster strikes the theater. Girls are going missing and suspiciously bad luck plagues the stage. Between ex-lovers, current bed partners, and new faces at the theater, Hazel’s heart is tangled more than ever and she finds it increasingly impossible to draw herself away from the life she’s known for so long.

It is time to make a choice. Start fresh before she’s drawn into the mess, or take a stand and fight for the family she’s found in the strangest of places.




Evanthia waited patiently, year after year, for the fall of the Seven Veils. When the house crumbles, she seizes her moment and runs, promising herself never to fall back into the grip of Birsha and his twisted pleasures.

No more cages. No more kings. No more monsters.

If only she could survive without the latter.


Kathryn Moon is an author of not your typical fantasy romances.

She considers herself a country mouse who started dictating stories to her mother at an early age. The fascination with building new worlds and discovering the lives of the characters who grew in her head never faltered, and she graduated college with a fiction writing degree. She loves writing women were are strong in their vulnerability, romances that are as affectionate as they are challenging, and worlds that a reader sinks into and never wants to leave.

When her hands aren’t busy typing they’re probably knitting sweaters or crimping pie crust in Ohio. She definitely believes in magic.

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