The Callahans

The push-and-pull game is on another level with the Callahans.


1. CLOSE TO ME by Monica Murphy


Asher Davis. My first crush. My first kiss. The boy who ripped my heart out of my chest again and again. Over and over. I let him have it every single time. Willingly.

We are that toxic high school couple you hear about, the one you witness in the hallway as they avoid each other. You laugh at them in class when they’re forced to work together, their gazes full of hatred. We are the couple you gossip about when they win homecoming prince and princess their sophomore year…

The back and forth is what kills me the most. I’m not his princess, I’m the girl he toys with when he’s bored. And he’s definitely not my prince, no matter how badly I want him to be.

Finally, it’s our senior year and we’re months away from never having to see each other again when disaster strikes—and brings us closer together. All it takes is one touch, and I’m burning for Ash. Hotter than I ever have. But will that burn turn into a devastating fire? Or can we actually make it work this time?

2. FALLING FOR HER by Monica Murphy


Jake Callahan. Prince of the popular crowd. My mortal enemy. Gorgeous. All the girls want him. Quarterback. All the boys want to be his friend. He’s the most popular boy in the senior class. And he hates me. Or so I thought.

What I mistook for hatred turns out to be… interest. There’s that thin line, right? It makes me crazy. I can’t stand it. Attraction, chemistry, whatever it is, I also can’t resist it. And neither can he.

Together, we make no sense. The odds are against us. His friends definitely don’t approve. I’m not a part of their crowd. Not one of the cool kids. I don’t fit in, or so they say. But that doesn’t stop him from falling for me. And it won’t stop me from fighting for him.

3. ADDICTED TO HIM by Monica Murphy


Eli Bennett. A quarterback at our biggest rival high school. My brother’s worst enemy. So why can’t I stop thinking about him?

For one, he’s totally gorgeous, and boy, does he know it. He’s an arrogant trash talker who brings drama wherever he goes. And for some reason, he’s set his sights on me.

The more I get to know him, the more I realize he’s actually kind of... sweet. Deep down, he’s broken. Hurting. He’s dealing with a lot, but he also puts on a major front so no one can tell. I want to be there for him. I want to be with him. But because everyone in my life hates Eli, we have to keep our relationship a secret.

The problem with secrets is they never stay secret for long...

4. MEANT TO BE by Monica Murphy


Ava Callahan. Love of my life. Wrecker of my soul. I would have sworn on anything that what we shared was real. But she broke my trust. And then my heart. I don’t think I can piece it back together without her, but I’m sure gonna try. I’m better off on my own anyway, right? Who needs girls when you have football?

If only I believed that. Look, when you need someone in your life, you don’t want to let her go. And I can’t let go of Ava. I love her. She loves me. Nothing can convince me otherwise. It’s as simple as that. I know no matter what, this girl belongs to me. We may have issues, but we’re meant to be. So I’ll do whatever it takes to get her back. Even if I have to fight dirty.

5. FIGHTING FOR YOU by Monica Murphy


Diego Garcia. Class bully. Football star. My boyfriend. I fell hard and fast for the resident bad boy and he fell just as hard for me too. We were the perfect couple until things turned sour.

Senior year and we’re both super busy. He has football. I have volleyball. Soon enough, I hear the rumors—Diego’s cheating on me. After everything we’ve been through, I’m devastated. Breaking up with him was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. He doesn’t love me. Besides, only a few more months of school, and then I’m going away to college. And Diego will be permanently out of my life. Until I find out I’m pregnant. And now we’re forever tied together…

6. MAKING HER MINE by Monica Murphy


Beck Callahan. Star defensive Lineman. Most popular boy on campus. One of my best friends. He’s always been off-limits because I know a relationship with him could never work. Like, ever. He’s too perfect, too sweet, too good-looking. Taking what we have a step further has the potential to ruin everything, and his friendship is too important to me.

So I keep it friendly, always with my feelings locked up tight. We talk. We date other people. Until the beginning of a senior year, one night at a party. When lines are blurred and eventually crossed. It was the best night of my life. A night I will never forget. Or regret. It’s all I can think about. He’s all I can think about.

But I’m also a little spooked. Beck says all the right things, and his sweet words make me feel… everything. He’s determined to make me his. Should I let him? Or do I risk losing him as my boyfriend and my best friend?

7. A CALLAHAN WEDDING by Monica Murphy


There is nothing quite like your first love. And no one knows this better than NFL quarterback Jake Callahan. After being with his high school sweetheart for years, he is finally going to make Hannah his wife.

Their wedding plans start out small. Intimate. A special ceremony with just their family and closest friends. Soon enough though, things get out of control. The guest list is huge. The planned reception, flashy. Jake is miserable. Hannah is overwhelmed. So they send an exclusive invitation to the ones that matter to them the most: pack your bags.

You’re invited to our destination wedding.


Monica Murphy is the New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of contemporary romance. Her books have been translated into almost a dozen languages and has sold over one million copies worldwide.

A self-confessed workaholic, when she’s not writing, she’s reading or hanging out with her husband and kids. She’s a firm believer in happy endings, though she will admit to putting her characters through many angst-filled moments before they finally get that hard-won HEA.

Monica is a wife and a mother of three who lives with her family in central California on fourteen acres in the middle of nowhere, along with their one dog and too many cats.

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