The Games Duet

Let the game of domination and submission begin!


1. HIS DARK GAME by C.D. Reiss


Thirty days. That’s all Adam Steinbeck demands of his wife. Thirty days in a remote cottage, doing everything he commands. After that, he’ll sign her divorce papers and give her complete ownership of their company. That’s how long he has to rediscover the man he once was. The Dominant Master he hid when he fell in love with her five years before.

She wants the business they built badly enough to go to the cottage for a month. Cut off ties to the world and do his bidding. She can submit to him with her body, but her heart will never yield. She thinks this is his pathetic attempt to repair their marriage. She’s wrong.


His Dark Game by C.D. Reiss was a fantastic erotic romance book (including both Marriage Games and Separation Games) that twisted me in the most deliciously painful way possible as I witnessed the dissolution of a marriage based on lies and the re-build of it on the thrilling carnage. The love story of Adam and Diana sucked me in and kept me on the sharpest edge up until the very last page.

“I needed to love you more than I wanted to dominate you. Don’t doubt for a second that I chose to love you.”

The main question of the book was what would happen when huge sacrifices were made for the sake of love? Adam knew the answer perfectly well. He lived his successful life as a desired dominant who needed a submissive woman he could break but not love. However, Diana was not that kind of a woman (at least, that’s what he selfishly or not so selfishly presumed). So, rather than trying to change his beloved wife and most likely lose her in the process, he gave up that huge part of his true identity for her and lost himself instead. The result of his seemingly honorable sacrifice was not the desired one and came back to rip his heart out in the form of the marriage falling apart…

They were symptoms of another disease. They needed to become the ones unburdened by love.

Adam was everything and nothing I expected him to be. He was paradoxically complex and so deeply flawed that my heart ached badly and my head fucking hurt. Diana was not what I imagined either. I wasn’t the biggest fan of hers but I admired her strength and intelligence and ambition. For Adam though, she was everything and more…

“Without you, this part of myself that’s open now isn’t an opportunity. It’s an open wound. Every time you shut down, it bleeds.”

The relationship between Adam and Diana was complicated. The problem was this. When he dominated her, she was madly in love. But when she submitted, his love died in an instant. This tug of war took up the majority of this sexy BDSM book. But after a while, it started to get old, not going to lie. Still, I couldn’t get enough for some goddamn reason. Although… I do know the reason. This mess of a story was told from two POVs. The even distribution between the two perspectives allowed me to get immersed with Adam and Diana who were both less than honest and see their marriage from two sides. I absolutely loved the character development and rooted for the HEA.

We were playing a difficult and intense game with unwritten rules. One we could both lose.

His Dark Game was filthy and erotic in truly C.D. Reiss fashion. I absolutely love the author’s writing style, which makes her stories feel realistic and immensely exciting. She is very descriptive, which only contributes to the enjoyment of the steamy scenes. It never gets boring! Highly recommend!


C.D.Reiss is a New York Times best-selling author. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn’t pick up she’s at the well hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master’s degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.

She’s frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn’t ever gotten her out of chopping that cord of wood.

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

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