Thoroughly Whipped

Your next humorous erotica to obsess over.




I, Faith Parisi, love my life. I have the best job—resident sex-advice diva for Visage magazine—I have the best friends, and I live in the best city in the world. Things are pretty damn fabulous. That is, until Henry ‘Harry’ Sinclair III comes crashing back into my world like a bad case of herpes.

I hate the way Harry’s lip curls in contempt whenever he sees me. I hate his bright blue eyes and those inexplicably offensive dimples. I hate his stuffy English accent and the stick that’s permanently jammed up his aristocratic ass. More than anything, I hate that he’s now my boss.

But my professional prospects start to look up when a chance at writing Visage’s big summer feature falls into my lap. Success won’t be easy. I’ll need to let go of all my inhibitions—not that I have that many of those—and jump, stiletto heels first, into a hedonistic new world. An exclusive, secretive world, filled with leather, latex, and Manhattan’s elite.

Pulling this off will take every ounce of daring I have, and every ounce of focus. I can’t afford to get distracted by anything, least of all my new boss, his arrogant mouth, or the way the ice between us seems to be slowly melting away.



Tillie Cole never fails to deliver an outstanding love story full of heart-wrenching emotions and one-of-a-kind feelings. Thoroughly Whipped was no exception. A deliciously sexy and laugh-out-loud funny romantic comedy with a splash of eroticism and even cuteness to obsess over. Exactly what I needed in times of never-ending hate and toxic craze in the modern world that is falling apart with each day.

“A siren,” he said, and I felt my heart almost stutter to a halt. “She came along, lured me in, and woke me from mundanity.”

Faith Parisi was a highly intelligent and strong-willed woman who was clearly comfortable with her sexuality and yet, embarrassingly awkward when it came to everything else. She was basically the embodiment of New York City. A first-generation American girl from a wild mix of Scottish and Italian immigrant parents with not much financially but rich in love and hope and care. Faith grew up in Hell’s Kitchen and worked for Visage as Miss Bliss, a popular columnist a la Carrie Bradshaw being extra with lots of tongue in cheek and most probably in lady garden (if you know you know). I absolutely adored her goofiness and clumsiness. And in conjunction with her unfiltered dirty mouth, my love for Faith was pretty much instantaneous and as huge as a stick up Harry’s sexy butt.

“You brought me back. With your innuendos and inappropriate jokes.”

Henry ‘Harry’ Sinclair III, also known as a pompous prick was a perfect combination of dominant and vulnerable (not the level of Christian Grey in case you wonder). He was a stuck-up English aristocrat with a gorgeous face and body but a quiet brooding demeanor that turned many people surrounding him completely off. Including Faith. Especially Faith…

“Having you in my arms, your knowing everything there is to know about me, was freedom. True freedom. No masks, no disguises, just us. To me, that is perfection…”

Faith and Harry were just two different people from two different worlds doing their best to achieve true happiness in the arms of one another. A couple made of an incorrigible klutz and a sophisticated mastermind behind a famous undercover sex dungeon made total sense. And they actually made their weird relationship work. With their hilarious antics and explosive chemistry and especially ridiculously funny conversations. To illuminate the point, comments such as ‘Harry, usually when balls fly at my face, I have my eyes and mouth wide open.’ were what made me keep turning pages and devour the whole book in one sitting.

Long story short, Thoroughly Whipped was sweet and sexy. It was light-hearted and immensely entertaining. Highly recommend!


“I went to NOX a willing slave, ready for my eyes to be opened to the world of sin and pleasure. What I didn’t know was that it would lead me to the great love of my life. My soulmate. My master. My Maitre of Manhattan. What I didn’t know is that I would leave my inhibitions at the door, but not my heart. Because although the world may have heard of the infamous Maitre as the king of the sexual underground, to me, he reigns as the king of my heart, the commander of my soul, and the keeper of my eternal love… And I am his queen.”


Tillie Cole is an Amazon and USA Today best-selling author of contemporary romance.

One summer day, after finishing reading her thousandth book on Kindle, Tillie turned to her husband and declared, “D’you know, I have a great idea for a story. I could write a book.” Several months later, repeating the same tired line, she was scolded by her husband to shut up talking about writing a novel and ‘just bloody do it!’ Immediately she set off on a crazy journey, delving deep into her fertile imagination. Tillie, ever since, has written from the heart. She combines her passion for anything camp and glittery with her love of humour and dark brooding men (most often muscled and tattooed, since they’re her weakness).

After years of teaching high school Social Studies and following her professional rugby player husband around Europe, they have settled in Calgary, Alberta, where Tillie spends most of her days (and many a late night) lost in a writing euphoria or in her dream of pursuing a dazzling career as a barrel-racing, tasseled-chap, Stetson-wearing cowgirl... Ye-haw!

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