War of Sins

When she just wished she had someone by her side—someone to support her unconditionally, someone to love her...

1. THE TASTE OF REVENGE by Veronica Lancet


She’s his worst enemy... and his greatest weakness.

Hardened by his past, Rafaelo Guerra has only one objective—revenge against the brother who stole everything from him. And to put his plans in motion, he needs to partner up with a dangerous crime lord. But he never expected to see her again. Noelle DeVille. His new associate’s little sister, and the bane of his existence. The only person in the world he hates more than his brother.

It doesn’t matter that she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, or that she tempts him beyond belief. He knows that her innocence is just a mask. But how is he supposed to resist her when he must marry her to ally their families?


Silenced and misunderstood, Noelle feels trapped by her overprotective family. She survived an abusive marriage that left her with deep scars, both mental and physical. But when Rafaelo Guerra storms into her life, she doesn’t know if she can survive him. He accuses her of heinous crimes she has no memory of, and he vows he will make her suffer.

Then why does her heart race whenever he is near? Why is her soul filled with longing for a man who abhors the sight of her? Suddenly, she’s trapped in an arranged marriage with her worst enemy. And it’s not her life she fears for anymore, it’s her already damaged heart...

2. THE FOILED PLAN by Veronica Lancet


She was his ruin... but also his salvation.

Finding out about Noelle’s past changes everything for Rafaelo, and he deeply regrets his past behavior. Theirs is a marriage of convenience, but as his desire for her reaches new heights, he finds himself wanting to turn it into a real one.

As he tries to gain back her trust and atone for his mistakes, enemies resurface and old secrets threaten to destroy his newfound happiness. In the end, he will have to decide. His wife, or revenge? Unfortunately, he can only choose one...

2.5. THE PRODIGAL SON by Veronica Lancet


To get Noelle back safely, Rafaelo must finally confront his past with Michele and atone for his mistakes. But when the love of his life finds out what he did to his brother, he might lose her forever.

Will Rafaelo become a villain in Noelle’s eyes? Or will Michele’s actions be vindicated?

Fate is a fickle thing, and in this story, no one is a good guy. Let the heartache begin!

3. THE COUNTERFEIT LOVER by Veronica Lancet


Secrets, lies and double lives.

When Noelle recovers her memories, she’s faced with a past she wants to remain buried. Everyone thinks she was a victim, but what if that wasn’t the case? What if the things she's done to survive are far worse than anyone can ever imagine? One thing is for sure—Rafaelo can never find out what she did.

As Noelle and Raf tiptoe around each other and their past connection, they have to wonder whether their relationship is truly fated, or... ill-fated.

Michele continues to scheme in the shadows. But he is also faced with a conundrum—his pet. His delusions know no limit, and he needs her adoration back.

It doesn’t matter that she now hates him, he will have her—dead or alive. But what will happen when he pushes her too far?

4. THE SINS OF NOELLE by Veronica Lancet


The secrets Noelle DeVille hides could ruin many lives.

When Rafaelo finds out about her past at the hacienda, Noelle must confront her demons in order to earn the forgiveness of her husband. But her past is much more heinous than anyone could have imagined.

In the beginning, she was a victim. But in the end, she became the villain. Noelle is no longer the innocent girl Rafaelo fell for. The new Noelle is cunning, scheming, and machiavellian. But can Rafaelo learn to love this side of her, too?

5. THE MORAL DILEMMA by Veronica Lancet


The events of the hacienda still haunt both lovers.

Can they move past the tragic revelations?


Veronica Lancet is a popular author of romance.

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